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2 Red: Homework Gallery- Aut 2 Week2

Welcome back to my favourite blog of the week 2 Red, where I get to showcase all of your fantastic efforts to our BH community! As always I will make sure I post your uploaded pictures on here. Make sure you complete at least 2 pieces and upload it on the link if necessary in order for me to display it by Wednesday.
I look forward to see your creations busy bees.

21 responses to “2 Red: Homework Gallery- Aut 2 Week2”

  1. Safaa Y.

    The giant is big and grumpy

    The giant is mean and ugly

    The giant is huge and nasty

  2. Mya F.

    samuel pepys 10 facts
    1: he kept a lion as a pet
    2:he loved the play Macbeth
    3:he had a dozen mistresses but have no children
    4:he rescued the cheese from the great fire
    5:he was the first to record drinking an England cup of tea
    6:he kissed a dead queen
    7:he designed hes own spectacles
    8:he took vows against lazing in bed
    9:he house kept nearly burning down
    10:he want to be known as a historian

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great retrieval work, Mya.
      You have found some great facts from the internet.
      Can you remember what 2 Major events Samuel Pepys write about in his diary?

  3. Mya F.

    samuel pepys 10 facts
    1: he kept a lion as a pet

    1. Mya F.

      sorry miss i accident by doing this two times

  4. Mya F.

    100p pennys in 1pound

    1. Mrs Browning

      Well done Mya, you’re right there re 100 pennies in a pound.
      How many 50p’s in a pound?

  5. Mya F.

    i went to the shop and brough a kinder suprise chocolate for 89p so

    1. Mrs Browning

      Remember means subtracting and + is adding, Mya.
      Are there any other way with different coins you could use to make 95p?

  6. Shemaiah W.

    I went to buy bread for 95p.
    Here is the ways of paying:

  7. Sumayyah A.

    I would buy 24 x temporary butterfly tattoos from amazon for £0.89p


    I have uploaded the of my homework.

  8. Sidrah S.

    Sidrah finished her maths and literacy homework in her homework book !

    1. Mrs Browning

      That’s fantastic, Thank you.
      If possible, could you upload a picture of Sidrah’s work to the link below please.

      1. Sidrah S.

        I couldn’t find the link this is why it’s been delayed. Pictures are sent thank you….!

  9. Mrs Penavega

    Hi Zainullah. Take a photo and save it. Then go to the upload link and upload it.

  10. Ebeid M.

    I did my homework and send it.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have uploaded your work Ebeid.
      Is there such thing as a 30p coin?
      Could you make 95p with any other coins?
      Do you think you could improve you sentences and make them expanded noun phrases??
      *Remember 2 adjectives and 1 noun.*
      Also, could you draw a picture of your giant to for your wanted poster please.

  11. Jebrin Y.

    Maths: I would buy a teddy bear for 1 pound . These are the different ways I could make it.
    50p + 50 p.
    20p + 20p+ 20p+ 20 p + 20p.
    WOW: Samuel Pepys was a English Diarist in London. He went to Cambridge university. He was very successful. He was also in the Royal Navy. He was a member of the Parliament. He helped the king in making desicions. He lived when Charles II and James II were kings.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great work, Jebrin!
      How many 1p make a £1??
      What 2 Major events did Samuel Pepys write about in his diary?

      1. Jebrin Y.

        1) 100 p
        2) He wrote about the Great Plague and the Great Fire Of London.

  12. Zainullah S.

    Miss how do I send in a picture of my work

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