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Flood-proof model making in 4 White

On Monday afternoon, 4 White started making their models of flood-proof houses. They worked in teams of three to decide whose plan they were going to follow (most groups chose a mix of designs!), then followed the plan and, using the cutting and joining skills they learnt in DT last half term, started to construct! The task required a lot of teamwork, perseverance, adapting and refining and the models look good so far! I look forward to seeing the finished products!

What did you find difficult and how did you overcome the difficulty? What skills did you bring to your team?

5 responses to “Flood-proof model making in 4 White”

  1. Miski M.

    Well done

  2. Zahraa Y.

    I can not belive how it turned out
    I hope It would work!!!

  3. Ibrahim M.

    Well done

  4. Karanbir B.

    Well donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne
    I wonder when they all finished what will they look like

  5. Xlexben F.

    Well done

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