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3 White – Water Cycle

Today the children in 3 white learnt about the water cycle. They used drama to show their interpretations of the water cycle.

What have you learnt about the water cycle?

Why do we need the water cycle?

9 responses to “3 White – Water Cycle”

  1. Muhammed K.

    It evaporated and get in all the cloud and all around the earth
    because 3% for fresh water
    Safa muhammedk

  2. Ahmed O.

    The water cycle gives good water

  3. Ahmed O.

    The water cycle we need it because it gives nice water

  4. Ahmed K.

    1 it is the fresh water watch is 4 slat is 94
    2 so we can have fresh water so that is why it rains.

  5. Hussein H.

    1 I learnt that the water cycle goes up down and around the earth.
    2.We need the water cycle because 3% of the water is salty water and the water cycle gives us fresh water.

  6. Minhaj A.

    1. I have learnt that the ocean goes up and when it steam it forms into rain.
    When it drys it sends it back into the ocean.
    2. We need the water cycle because we can get fresh water from it to drink it.

  7. Irfa M.

    That the water get dries and go to the clouds.
    So we get fresh water.

  8. Yahya K.

    1. I have learnt how the water rises to a cloud.
    2. we need the water cycle otherwise global warming will get popular.

  9. Sheik A.

    It evaporated and goes up in the cloud and when it gets haby and it gets down.
    Then we would have no fresh water.

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