4 Blue Investigate Teeth

Today, we were learning how to keep our teeth healthy. We learnt about enamel and plaque and how brushing our teeth and limiting our sugary food and drink intake can support healthy teeth. We set up an ”eggsperiment” to see how different liquids might damage our teeth and played a game to remind ourselves about all we learnt. Finally we made posters to encourage good dental hygiene.

What is enamel?

What is plaque?

How can you keep your teeth healthy?

What holds your teeth in place?

4 responses to “4 Blue Investigate Teeth”

  1. Hasbia D.

    What is enamel?
    Enamel is a layer of film which protect your teeth.
    What is plaque?
    Plaque is a sticky usually colourless thin film on the teeth that is formed by bacteria.
    How can you keep your teeth healthy?
    You can keep your teeth healthy by brushing your teeth twice a day and eating lots of calcium.
    What holds your teeth in place?
    Your gums hold your teeth in place.

  2. Ali A.

    Enamel is a protective part over your teeth.
    Plaque is made from bacteria and can damage your teeth’s.
    By brushing your teeth 2 times a day in the morning and the night.
    Your gum holds it in place.

  3. Saffa M.

    If you want your teeth to be healthy you will have to eat healthy food brush your teeths 2 times a day for 2 minutes. If you eat to much sweets you will get cavities and have a hole in your tooth.your gums holds your teeth and strings. A plaque has blackterea and blackterea is not good for you it breaks your teeth protections .

  4. Aisha A.

    How can you keep your teeth healthy?
    1) By brushing your teeth in the Morning and the night and not eating lots of sweets and chocolate
    What holds your teeth in place?
    2) The roots and your teeth.
    What is plaque?
    3) Plaque is like your teeth what you have.
    What is enamel?
    4) Enamel is like when it is hiding the teeth and it means like the gums.
    Today we have done science we have predict if Pepsi, water or vioant was bad for your teeth I have picked Pepsi because Pepsi is fizzy and has lots of sugar in the Pepsi and water is good for you.

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