4 White Investigating Fractions!

The children in 4W today had fun investigating fractions. They could tell me equivalences, unit and non-unit fractions. So impressive!

What did you learn about fractions today?

9 responses to “4 White Investigating Fractions!”

  1. Karanbir B.

    I learnt 1`s halves,t hirds and quarters

  2. Xlexben F.

    I learned that 1/2 is equal to 2/4,3/6,4/8,5/8 because 1 is half 2 and if the numerator is half of the denominator you know it will equal 1/2 .

  3. Hudayifah A.

    I learnt that 1/2 is equal to 2/4,3/6,4/8,5/10 because 1 is half of 2 and if the numerator is half of the denominator,you know it’s equal to 1/2

  4. Miski M.

    Fun and easy. I learnt halves, quarters and shapes.

  5. Zahra D.

    I learned that when I found what was half of a block, I tried to find a third or quarter of that half.

  6. Ayaan M.

    I learnt they can be used in lots of shapes and also 3dimensional shapes.

  7. Ibrahim M.

    I learnt some shapes cannot be equivalent to others like two reds cannot fit into one dark green, nor can three.

  8. Zahraa Y.

    I leaned that when I did mine the purple block fited black but red fills purple
    So I leaned sometimes somthing that does nit fit cam fit into the one that fits the one your looking for

  9. Tipian I.

    I learnt that they can be different shapes but can fit in other shapes

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