4 White’s Teamwork in Action!

The children tackled a maths problem today which involved working together in their teams. I was so proud of how well they supported each other I felt compelled to share it with you! Well done 4 White!

What did you learn about partitioning numbers with this problem?

10 responses to “4 White’s Teamwork in Action!”

  1. Isah C.

    Today we learned many ways to do this this question

  2. Ibrahim M.

    There were 6 ways to partition with numbers. Partitioning, part-whole method, sentence writing, pictorial, concrete and a (HTO) column method. We used base 10 (dienes) to make the number.
    The maths problem that we completed in groups of 3, needs sentence writing, concrete (using dienes) and completing it pictorially, (on a piece of paper or in a book recommended).

  3. Sameeha A.

    I learnt different ways to partition numbers
    1 written sentence
    2 column method
    3 part whole model
    4 addition
    5 pictoral
    6 concrete

  4. Redir K.

    We found out 3 ways 2434

  5. Tipian I.

    We have Partitioned numbers and using deans [] \ : and did some partitioning in our book :D .
    I leant that we could use different ways to partition number like 236 [] [] | | | : : : but this is pictorial method we use the concrete one .
    Stay safe guys:D

  6. Najma O.

    Today we tried to partition so on the board there was a number 4,905 so we used that number and tried to find out what you can make out of it like you can use 400’s and 900 and 5 one no tens because they are zero.

  7. Miski M.

    There were 6 ways. Partitioning, part-whole method, sentence writing, pictorial, concrete, column method. We used dienes to make the number.
    This problem needs sentence writing or concrete.

  8. Kamil N.

    That we found out new ways to partition we found out 6 ways to partition I liked the ways we used.
    The questions was hard but I got pass them.

  9. Mrs Sanders

    Well done 4W! It is lovely to see some excellent teamwork, I am so proud of you! Can you tell me more about what you have learnt today?

  10. Mohammed S.

    I found 4 ways to solve the problem
    There are 6 ways of partitioning one way is a part-part hole

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