5 Blue final week of term.

What an amazing term we have had in 5 Blue. I am so proud of the class and how they have settled into year 5. The work that has been produced has been fantastic. This level of work and sustained effort has continued into the final week of term which has been pleasing to see.

This week we have been looking how Christmas is celebrated in Germany compared to how it is celebrated in the UK. We have used the elves and the shoe maker as a core text to help us retell and a Christmas fairy tale. We have also looked at the brothers Grimm stories and researched their morals and impact. The children researched the role of the ‘Krampus’ in Germany’s Christmas culture and designed masks together in small groups.

Well done on a fantastic Autumn term 5 Blue. Enjoy your break you have earnt it. Be safe and come back refreshed and ready for another amazing term.

Mr Kane and Mrs Khan

7 responses to “5 Blue final week of term.”

  1. Bethany P.

    I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and half term!

  2. Zahra N.

    I hope every enjoys there holidays

  3. Mopelola L.

    Hope everyone had a nice half term and happy near year!

  4. Madeeha T.

    Merry Christmas everyone

  5. Myiesha S.

    I hope you have a great christmas and half term!

  6. Khadijah M.

    I hope everyone has fun during the holidays 🙂

  7. Aiza B.

    I hope everyone has a nice half term

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