5 Blue’s Spain Leaflets

This week, the children have put all their skills and knowledge together to write about an information text using persuasive language to persuade readers to come and visit Spain. 5 Blue, the Spanish leaflets look amazing. Well done! Have a look below at some of the examples and tell me how you have you made progress during this unit.

5 responses to “5 Blue’s Spain Leaflets”

  1. Safa M.

    Nice work I have mostly developed my persuasive language and skills. I have also developed a lot of facts about Madrid and Spain while we were writing this.

  2. Azaan H.

    I enjoyed doing the leaflets.

  3. Aisha R.

    I enjoyed this unit and it rally developed my persuasive language.

    1. Aisha R.


  4. Luxor A.

    Nice work 👏

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