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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

5B- Packaging

This week we made Paella. What cooking techniques did we use?

The children were challenged to design packaging for their paella.

They followed instructions to measure and build their own net of a cuboid using squared paper.

What knowledge did you have to have about cuboids in order to create this net?

Next they designed a logo for their paella packaging. They had to think about the target audience.

Who was your target audience and how did this impact on your design?

7 responses to “5B- Packaging”

  1. Safa M.

    The cooking techniques we used was chopping or washing the fruits. It is also knife skills which we used for chopping
    The cuboid we needed to measure the sides and make sure some of them are the same so you can join them together.
    My main audience was aiming for kids cause I used like friendly cartoon snakes that I used green for to make the audience (kids) more interested in it because usually snakes wouldn’t be used.

  2. Maryam G.

    The cooking techniques we used were chopping and washing the fruit and veg. The knowledge we needed to know in order to make a cuboid was knowing how many sides there is on a cuboid. My target audience in this packaging was aimed for adults.

    1. Maryam G.

      This impacted on our design by if we put a monster on a Paella packaging and that packaging was aimed for adults I do not think an adult would by this Paella because of the packaging and this could make a big impact also if you put an adult Paella packaging on the kids Paella packaging the kids would not want this paella because of the packaging and this would make a big impact.

  3. Aayan M.

    1. You needed the knowledge of how many faces and vertices a cuboid had.
    2. My main audience is aiming at kids and they would think that the paella is tasty so adults will have to buy it for their kids to eat.
    3. The cooking technique we used is chopping to chop the vegetables.

  4. Aayan M.

    My main audience is aiming at kids so adults will have to buy it for their kids to eat.

  5. Sumayyah A.

    The cooking techniques were slicing because we chopped the vegetables off.
    The knowledge we needed to know was that we need to know to draw the sides.
    My target audience was adults this meaned that i had to make it like what an adult would pick up and no (monsters).

  6. Aisha R.

    My target audience was adults.

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