School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

6R World Book Day

Welcome to Six Red’s Wonderland of book characters!

World Book Day Song

Taking a step back into our childhood…what did you think?

Stepping into an alternative universe!

We used these short stories to create our own story. Children were asked to pick a theme, an age appropriate novel and a selection of their own Mr Men and Little Miss characters.

Creating our own Mr Men and Little Miss characters!

Check out our own stories (using our prior knowledge of digital animation)

Check out the ”library scavenger hunt” blog!

What was the highlight of your day?

36 responses to “6R World Book Day”

  1. Mrs Morris

    Great effort. You all looked amazing! I particularly love the Mr Men and Little Miss effort. 👏🏻
    I will look forward to seeing your work next week.

  2. Harroop S.

    Taking a step back
    Feeling nostalgic whilst reading a book from my young age, I felt glad to read this book.
    I found this funny as Mr tickle is similar to me as I love making people laugh.

  3. Mishal N.

    Meghana chose the book ‘Little Miss Helpful’ I was impressed to see the word ‘anxiously’ I wasn’t expecting the word ‘anxiously’ in a children’s book and ‘seized’ in the book.

    Mishal- I chose the book Little Miss Sunshine, the word extraordinary was written I was shocked to see such long words in a children book (which I wasn’t expecting). I expected the words that would be in a children’s book,
    I felt nostalgic when I was reading the book but it was very interesting to read my old childhood book.

  4. Arina A.

    Feeling nostalgic whilst reading a book, from the little miss and little Mr men collection I got to read Little Miss Stubborn (also known as Mrs Ahmed) . I was also impressed to see words (that were also confusing) such as quiver and extraordinary.

    By Arina and Bilawal

  5. Raees A.

    Taking a step back feeling nostalgic whilst while reading a book.

    I found it funny that I picked Little Miss Shy as I am I have the same personality and am sometimes shy.

    I enjoyed reading the book about Little Miss Late as some time when doing work I am sometimes late to finish and it felt like a coincidence as it matches my personality very well.

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