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6Red using Dichotomous key

This half term we have been learning about Carl Linnaeus scientific discovery of taxonomy.

We sorted some of our favourite sweets using a dichotomous key.๐Ÿฌ

Using our knowledge of dichotomous key and process of elimination, we classified butterflies.

Challenge: Create a dichotomous key of something of your choice. (Favourite drink/ chocolates/ trainers)

4 responses to “6Red using Dichotomous key”

  1. Kaif B.

    It’s Kaif.I realised that it wasn’t my account it was my brother’s account.

  2. Afreen S.

    It was really fun making the dichotomous key with the sweets and into our books and classifying them into different parts. I have done the challenge.

  3. Hasan B.

    I really enjoyed doing that!

  4. Surinder J.

    I had so much fun today!

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