Autumn 2 Overview – Week 4

This Week’s Homework

Grid Homework Activities

6W – please complete your checklist for week 4!

6 Red Jemisons
(2 tasks from each section via Education City)

(3 tasks set on Mathletics.)

Reading journal and challenges completed

Week 6 Spelling practice- You must write 10 sentences. Each one must include one of your week’s spellings.
(Handwriting practice: Black pen and clear joins)

Expected: Show a variety of sentence types.
(Sentences must include a fronted adverbial, commas, adjectives and conjunctions)

Jemisons: You must include expanded noun phrases and capital letters for proper nouns.

40 responses to “Year 6 Homework due (8/12/2021)”

  1. Aayan S.


  2. Mohammad A.

    I have completed the black death quiz on the link and I scored 100%

  3. Bijan

    I have completed the Black Death quiz and I got 83%

  4. Yalda N.

    I played the Black Death quiz and I scored 83%

  5. Yalda N.

    Black Death Plague Quiz = 100%

    Plague Map Jigsaw = 1.07 minutes

    Plague Doctor Game = made it

    Learn Black Death Plague keywords = 9

    Rat Jump = 5

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