Autumn 2 Overview – Week 4

This Week’s Homework

Grid Homework Activities

6W – please complete your checklist for week 4!

6 Red Jemisons
(2 tasks from each section via Education City)

(3 tasks set on Mathletics.)

Reading journal and challenges completed

Week 6 Spelling practice- You must write 10 sentences. Each one must include one of your week’s spellings.
(Handwriting practice: Black pen and clear joins)

Expected: Show a variety of sentence types.
(Sentences must include a fronted adverbial, commas, adjectives and conjunctions)

Jemisons: You must include expanded noun phrases and capital letters for proper nouns.

40 responses to “Year 6 Homework due (8/12/2021)”

  1. Aayan M.

    I have done the Black Death quiz and got 100%

  2. Ali K.

    I did the Black Death quiz and got 83 percent

    1. Miss Vega

      Good job Ali!

  3. Safya S.

    I got 100 on the wow homework.

  4. Esra S.

    I played the Black Death game and scored 100%.

  5. Umaiza T.

    I played the Black Death quiz and scored 100%

  6. Esha A.

    On the the black death quiz i got 78%

  7. Alisha M.

    I did the Black Death quiz and my score was 85%

  8. Aayan S.

    I played the Black Death game and got 83%

  9. Bolu

    I got 83 percent on this the Black Death quiz

  10. Abdirahman D.

    I got 83% in Black death quiz

  11. Zaid M.

    I have completed ‘The Black Death quiz’ and I scored 100% :D

  12. Harris B.

    I got 83% correct in the black death quiz.

    1. Harris B.

      actually now I got 100%.

  13. Rasan M.

    I have done my homework and will bring it in on Monday.

  14. Raihaan N.

    I have done Mathletics, Spag, WOW homework and my spellings.

    1. Raihaan N.

      I got 100% on the Black Death quiz.

  15. Iqra

    I have completed the quiz and got 100%! 😁

  16. Abdullah A.

    I have completed my mathletics and got 10\10 10\10 12\12

  17. Harroop S.

    I did the Black Death Quiz and I achieved a score or 100%.

  18. Absi P.

    I got 82% on my Black Death homework

  19. Ayomide O.

    I got 83% on my black death homework

  20. Elyas S.

    I have completed my homework.I have done the one where you had to play the Black Death game.

  21. Qasim K.

    I completed spag and mathematics, the quiz black death game didnt work for me.

  22. Amelia B.

    Has the Mathletics been set?

  23. Danyaal H.

    I have done the Black Death game, mathletics, spag and spellings.

  24. Aleena M.

    I completed the quiz and scored 100 percent.

  25. Abdullah A.

    when will the mathletics be posted

  26. Alina B.

    I have done the Black Death quiz and also got 100%

  27. Abdullah A.

    I have completed my spellings task and a task from the website and finished my Mathletics and

    1. Abdullah A.

      I mean only spag because there’s nom athletics yet.

      1. Abdullah A.

        no mathletics I mean

  28. I have done my WOW homework and scored a 84% and i will do Mathletics and SPaG tomorrow.

  29. Elyas S.

    I have done mathletics and

  30. Aamina B.

    I have completed the quiz for the Black Death homework and scored 100%!

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