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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Today has seen the children taking on a big challenge – climbing a mountain. The two activity groups worked separately today and they conquered different mountains. Both equally as challenging. At times we found it tricky but using teamwork and resilience, we kept going and reached the summit. The children are so proud of their achievement and so are we.

9 responses to “Dol-y-Moch Wednesday 27th”

  1. Mr Patel

    Looks like everyone is having a great time!

  2. Yousuf I.

    We are missing you Yousuf , waiting for you to come home, enjoy! Mum missing you so much!❤️

    Love from Yousuf Family

  3. Meghana Miriyam

    I hope you guys enjoyed a lot climbing the mountain.

  4. Mrs Ahmed

    Well done boys and girls! Bet your glad you got some experience of trekking during Dovedale :)

  5. Saira S.

    I hope you ad fun whilst climbing the mountain. The view would’ve been great! Well done for being so resilient while doing this.

  6. Harroop S.

    Thank you for the update. Please ask Harroop to wear his spectacles.

    1. Mrs Morris

      I have passed on your message.

  7. Head Teacher

    These photos are great. Love how you are on top of the world!

  8. Umaiza T.

    Thank you for the update. Well done for showing resilience to all the Children. Be proud of yourselves. House is very quite without Umaiza especially at Iftar times. Glad you all having fun. Missing Umaiza alot xxx.

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