How to be a great BH citizen in Year 6! PSHE 6R

How can kindness help us be a fab member of BH?

How can you be a great Broad Heath Citizen?

What effect will this have on other citizens?

How this will effect your life when you leave BH?

GD Challenge: What is anarchy and how does it link to responsibilities and rules?

20 responses to “How to be a great BH citizen in Year 6! PSHE 6R”

  1. Bahar K.

    I can be a good citizen by helping others and being respectful and kind!
    If you are a good citizen you can have an influence on other and people because younger people sometimes look up to you!
    This will help us by helping us become better people in the future!

  2. Sara M.

    I can give people help.
    The goodness make people feel good.
    This will effect my life and teacher and friends

  3. Israa F.

    1. I can be great broad heath citizenry helping other
    2. The effect will be, that other pupils will be kind in school, outside school and in the community
    3. This will effect my life because if I be kind , teamwork and to help other people will like me and be friends with me.

  4. Kaif B.

    How can you be a great citizen?
    You can be a great citizen by helping other when they need help.
    What effect will this have on the other citizens?
    If you be a very good citizen then the other children will do the same thing
    what you do
    How will this effect your life when you leave BH?

  5. Samik S.

    How can you be a great Broad Heath Citizen?
    I can be a great broad heath citizen by helping others in learning and if theyโ€™re hurt
    What effect will this have on other citizens?
    This can make the other people feel happy and might make them help others
    How this will effect your life when you leave BH?
    Others will carry this on throughout broad heath and I can do this in secondary school to make them good people

  6. Shahzad S.

    1.To be a great citizen at broadheath is to being respectful including our mouth,being a role model for the young children in addition we shall also be kind to everyone.
    2.The effect this will have on other pupils is that they can pick up the good things we do and learn from them however if we are not being a role model they will copy us and turn out to be a bad citizen.
    3.This will effect our lives when we leave BH because if we are not kind no one will like us especially in secondary school as if, if we are kind we will make loads of friends and feel delighted.Same goes as the other BH values so we could be a successful citizen

  7. Esa M.

    1. I can be a good broad heath citizen by following instructions and be a good role model.
    2. I think being a good role model will give an affect on other people.
    3. If I be a good role model then other people will.

  8. Afreen S.

    1. Kindness can help so we can get bigger achieve mental and we can become a great role model to others
    2. I can be be a great broad Heath role model by helping others at there work and tidying up after others
    3. The effect we have on other citizens as if we do good they will follow our steps and listen to the 12 school values.
    4. It will affect my life by keep on following the school values and when we are all gone hopefully they will follow our steps.
    5. It is bad to be absent as you will miss important learning time especially if they are for our upcoming SATS

  9. Muhammad B.

    1)Kindness can help us be a fan member of Broad Heath by being kind to your mates and everyone else and do good actions and good things.
    2)You can be a good BH citizen by always helping others and caring about everyone not just yourself and always answer blogs.
    3)If you are a good role model in year 6 you have to set the standard for the youngsters in lower years and they can learn from you then they can help the other role models
    4)This can effect your life by going to secondary or college and you still have to be a good citizen everywhere in public.

  10. Yaw A.

    1. You can be a great broad Heath citizen by helping other and being a good role model.
    2. This will show younger children to be good and also help the people around us.
    3. This will affect my life as I can learn how to be even better out of broad Heath.
    4. Anarchy is to live freely. This links to responsibility as you need to use your free will for good.

  11. Surinder J.

    1. How can you be a great Broad Heath Citizen?
    You can be a great Broad Heath Citizen by being a good role model, listening to the teachers, helping others when they need help and following the school rules.
    2. What effect will this have on other citizens?
    It will help other citizens to be good as we have 12 school values and people can learn from the values.
    3. How this will effect your life when you leave BH?
    It will effect my life by remembering the school values and remembering all the role models and great Broad Heath citizens.

  12. Asim A.

    Be kind to everyone and help my friend will be friend and you help
    I will still be kind and help people
    I will help and that will be my friend

  13. Leon T.

    How can you be a great Broad Heath Citizen?
    I can be a better citizen by being a role model and listening to instructions.
    What effect will this have on other citizens?
    This could effect other citizens because they might do the things that I do to behave.
    How this will effect your life when you leave BH?
    This will effect my life when I leave the school because it might make me a better citizen at secondary school and out of school.

  14. Muhammad J.

    You can play with someone that is lonely and speak with them when they feel sad.
    This will make the other citizens happy that someone is playing with them and they could play with the person that is lonely and the person that is playing with them.
    I would be sad because it would be sad for me leaving BH because this the best school and if I leave i would be sad.

  15. Amelia H.

    1. I can be a great citizen by being kind to every one
    2. This will effect other citizens by doing more things and helping others and wanting to be friends with you
    3. This will effect my life in BH because it will make me a better citizen at school and In public

  16. Asim A.

    Be kind to everyone and help my friend
    Thay will be friend and you help them thay will help you back
    I will still be kind and help people

  17. Hasan S.

    1) you can help people and be a good person and friend to others.Give people compliments.
    2) It can help them be good ๐Ÿ‘ people as well and they cold tell other people to be a citizen to others.
    3) we will carry on being role models and broad Heath is a good school to train us to be noble citizens to others.

    1. Hasan S.

      This comment was from Shahzaib and Hasan.๐Ÿ˜Š

  18. Kevin R.

    1)we can be a great broad heath citizen because we help others when there sad/lonely.
    2)the effect is that younger pupils be more kind and resilient and honest.
    3)it will effect my life and make me honest and more.

  19. Manvi R.

    1. I can be a great Broad Heath citizen by helping others.
    2. The effect will be, that other pupils will want to be kind.
    3. This will effect my life because if I be kind people will want to be friends with me.

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