Hi Year 5,

Your homework this week is below. Please complete two pieces and write out your week 5 spellings in your best handwriting like you would in Basic Skills.


To add five and six digit numbers

“Game On” has been set for you on Education City.


To review SPAG objectives

Complete these in your Homework Books.


To research and record

Research the history of NASA and make a factfile.

35 responses to “Year 5 Homework A1 W4”

  1. Rir K.

    On a Saturday morning, dad made some delicious pancakes.
    B. Guessed and allowed.
    Carys held the marbles in her hands.
    D.Stomach and shoulder.
    E.Lamb and challenge.
    F.𝐀𝐒 it was a ferocious beast the chimera was feared by many Greek people.

  2. Rafay K.

    yesterday my dad cooked some delicious pancackes.
    the word is allowed.
    carys held a lot of marbels in her hand.
    the words that is jumbeld up is stoack and shoulder.
    baby goat lamb
    the surboredinating clause is the ferocious beast.

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