
Jack and the Beanstalk Week in Reception Blue

We have had a fantastic final week of term. We shared the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and cultivated our own Reception Blue beanstalk, complete with a giant climbing to the top and disappearing through the clouds! Please look at our super learning and leave a comment to explain your favourite part of the week.

Communication and Language/Expressive Arts and Design-To create puppets to re-tell a story

Literacy – To use adjectives to describe the giant.

To write a series of simple sentences

Maths – To create a magical bean pattern

3 responses to “Jack and the Beanstalk Week in Reception Blue”

  1. Joshua O.

    I wish the Jack and the beans talk about the story

  2. Abdirahman M.

    Abdirahman liked making puppets and learning the story of Jack and the beanstalk.

  3. Logan B.

    Logan enjoyed Jack and The beanstalk and always came back and told mum and dad about the story

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