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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


5 White – Salvador Dali

As part of our learning about Dali, we looked at his famous piece of art, The Persistence of Memory. We started by exploring a range of media in order to be able to select the best options for our own art.

Then, we used our shading skills to draw our own melting clocks with the help of an online video.

5 responses to “5 White – Salvador Dali”

  1. Zahraa Y.

    Good job everyone!! Although some may have not went to miss Frankish either way everyone’s work was amazing!! Good effort everyone!

  2. Najma O.

    I loved have everyone shaded and loved the way everyone’s piece of art look like .
    Well done everyone even if you never went to Mrs Frankish know that your piece of art is stunning .👏👏👏😆😄😁

    1. Head Teacher

      They were stunning!

  3. Sameeha A.

    Well done everyone
    Everyones in the classroom look top-notch

  4. Tipian I.

    Wow great peice of art amazing
    You are so talented

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