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5red Science Day

A fantastic day has been had in 5Red completing our amazing Science day.

Firstly, we discussed the importance of Scientific language in explaining investigations. We looked at many new and old vocabulary and completed a word search looking for these specific words.

Next, we compared Earthquake vibrations and sound vibrations. We compared our ear drums to seismometers as they sense the vibrations in the Earth as our Ear drums sense the vibrations in the air. With this in mind, we made our very own seismometers. We had our own enquiry questions which we tried to answer. Here are some of the photos of our experiment.

We then looked at scientists and how we are very stereotypical when we think of what scientists should look like. We battled this stereotyping by learning about a scientist called Harshnira Patani. We learnt all about their and here are some fact files about her.

Finally, we completed an Art experiment. ‘Can oil paints be thinned by water?’ This was amazing to see the results as many of us predicted yes. However, when the children led their own experiment they found that they couldn’t. We then did an experiment to find different liquids with different viscosities. This explained why oil paints can’t be thinned.

To showcase our amazing learning from today we then shared our learning with Year 6. We were able to discuss what we have learnt and then impact of our Science day

19 responses to “5red Science Day”

  1. Ali A.

    Ali: My favourite part was when we did the wordsearch.

    Rayyana: My favourite part was when we did the seismometer.

  2. Jensen C.

    my favorite thing was the word search and experiments.

  3. Ahmed B.

    On science day we did many experiments my favourite was making a sesomiter although I did enjoy thining oil paints and oil pastels

  4. Aran K.

    My favourite part of the day was when we made seismometers and we tested them out to see if it would work.

  5. Muhammed R.

    My favourite part was when we made the seisometer and when we jumped on the mats.

  6. Sanad S.

    I liked science day because we used some experience to make our own seismometers to test if it works .It did work because we went to the studio and went on matsto test if it works like how it works on earthquakes.We even went on mats and done different types of stuff like stomping and jumping to make vibration so the machine can work.

  7. Saffa M.

    On Friday we were doing lots of experiments such as making seisometers and finding out if you could thin oil pains and more

  8. Bakary

    My favorite part of the day was when we created our seisomieter we made it by getting a cup and string then we received a box and put holes in the side and the top we made a hole in the cup put a pen in and tied the string through the holes in the top the added a long piece of paper and went on pe mats and made it vibrate.They use it for earthquake s the see how long it was and bad.

  9. Hasbia D.

    I have learned that you use a seismometer to measure any sound or shaking from the Earth.
    I have enjoyed doing the experiment to test whether water can thin out oil pastels and oil paints. I found out that oil paints and oil pastels cannot be thinned out by water. However soft pastels and poster paint can be thinned out by water.

  10. Yad I.

    I love this day I hope we will have another science day as fun as this

  11. Eman A.

    I enjoyed science day my favourite part was when we made the seismometer and tested them. Today , I learnt that viscosity means how thick something is .

  12. Kirtan P.

    My favorite part of the day was when we did the viscosity experiment.

  13. Romeesa T.

    I know that you can’t thin oil with water because they are both low visocity but water is more thicker .

    1. Head Teacher

      You can’t say more thicker just use thicker as it is a comparative adjective.

  14. Sania K.

    My favourite part was when we had to conduct the art experiment because we had to mix the oil paint with water and oil pastels but we all did not know why it did not mix. Later we found out when mrs masters showed us the rainbow jar experiment.
    Hopefully we have another fun day like this .

  15. Rayyana M.

    That day was fun and I learnt ALOT. thanks

  16. Haroon K.

    I like science day it was so fun day and I like the day .

  17. Sumaya S.

    Science day was so much fun we did lots of activities and a little bit of writing and art .
    Art was my favourite because we tested out if we can thin oil pastels and oil paints and after that we were working out how it would not get thin so we did an experiment with oil and in the end we found out how it did not get thin

  18. Tyson Thomas-Millward

    I had a really fun day

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