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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

LbQ 6Red 10.4.23

Good morning 6Red. I hope you all had a great weekend. Let’s try and give these LbQ tasks a big push this week. Stay on top of them so that we are ready to return next week.

As last week, there will be two tasks each day – a daily Maths task and then one that relates to either Grammar, Spelling or Reading – today is Reading.

Try your best. There is no new learning here, it is all consolidation. If you are struggling, refer to you CGP texts, use BBC bitesize revision or ask someone at home to support.

Tasks are live until 8:30pm.

Let me know when all work is completed.

9 responses to “LbQ 6Red 10.4.23”

  1. Kaif B.

    I have completed my LBQ Tasks

  2. Manvi R.

    I have finished both of my LBQs.

  3. Esa M.

    I have done it

  4. Israa F.

    I have completed the lbq tasks. I hope ur haveing a good time in devon as here its cloudy and raining.

  5. Afreen S.

    Hi Mrs Morris hope your enjoying your holiday I have done both LbQ however when I reached the end some questions I wasn’t able to access even though I could do it wouldn’t let me.

    1. Mrs Morris

      Thanks for letting me know, Afreen. I don’t know why this happens as it is inconsistent. I’ll look into it when we are back.

    2. Israa F.

      This has also happen to me a Mrs Morris for the reading text

  6. Surinder J.

    I have completed my LBQ tasks.

    1. Mrs Morris

      I was tracking you. I respect your get up and get it done attitude. Well done.

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