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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

We’re hatching in Early Years! We have around 9 days left until the eggs might begin to hatch. What do you think is inside the eggs? Draw a picture and bring it to Mrs Langley in Nursery this week. Do you know any animals that hatch from eggs? Can you write a list?

Stay tuned to our school website as “egg cam” will be going live soon to make sure nobody misses any movement or hatching fun!

13 responses to “Egg-citing news in Early Years!”

  1. Sumayyah A.

    OOOH LALA I wonder if it is a fat chick

  2. Amelia A.


  3. Zaeem J.

    I am so exited

  4. Eliza N.

    I’m soo EXCITED THEY LOOK SO Cute!!!🐣

  5. Emil D.

    I’m so excited for them to hatch

  6. Aayan M.

    The mint Green Colour egg could be a pheasant and the two white eggs could be a gold flinch.

  7. Isabella F.

    I can’t wait
    Animals that hatch fro, eggs: chick’s, ducks, birds
    I think there is chick’s in these eggs

    1. Mrs Langley

      Well done Isabella! I think you could be right 😊

  8. Mahid H.

    It will be amazing to watch live eggs🥳🥳🥳🥳👍👍👍👍👍🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣

    1. Mrs Langley

      It will be, and we will make sure that once they hatch they will come and visit you in Reception too!

  9. Tinuola T.

    Animals that hatch from eggs

    1. Mrs Langley

      Great knowledge!
      What do you think is inside our eggs?

      1. Fatima S.


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