KS1 Phonics Homework 16.01.25

Hi Year 1, Please look for your Phonics group and watch the lesson below. Comment on the blog when you have watched the video. Mrs Watkins’ Group (Sound Blending) – Word Time 1.1 https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/R60gYnib/YKIp1HRp Mrs Mattu’s Group (Ditty & Red) – Word Time 1.7 https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/9HDKNIPl/dk4Lgyv9 Mrs Sherpa’s Group (Green & Purple) – Set 2 ay […]

1R Stay & Play 16.01.25 & 23.01.25

Hi 1Red, Our Stay & Play sessions for the next two weeks will have a Maths focus! This week (16.01) we invite the following parents to join us: Yusha, Isabella, Amina, Farah, Moni, Mariam, Omar, Jasmine, Shanvika, Jay, Vishwak, Pola, Zakariya, Zahra Next week (23.01) we invite the parents of: Kamsi, Peace, Malikah, Zari, Arsema, […]

Y1 Science – Materials

Hi everyone, Here is some information which will help you with your Science learning this half term! Have a read through with your grown up and talk about what you have learnt. Can you use any of these words to talk about objects in your house?

Y1 Reading Challenge – SPRING 1

Hi Y1. Here is your reading challenge. Please read the story, Dragon bay, and answer the questions. You may choose the level of challenge below. Firstly, practise reading the sounds and blend them into words which we will find in the story. Now read the story: Question Time – Please write in full sentences.Bronze ChallengeWhat […]

Y1 Maths Challenge – Spring 1

Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can complete more than one if you wish! Please write your answers on this blog or in your Homework book. Winners will be announced at the end of term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD Instead of dienes (base ten) at home, you could use dried […]

Year 1 Party – Friday

Hi Parents! As we are getting closer to the end of term, we are hosting a Non-Uniform Christmas party on Friday 20th December 2024. We are incredibly proud of the progress the children have made this term. If you would like to donate some party food for everyone to share, we would appreciate it greatly. This […]