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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Today we have been able to experience a range of sports and behind the scene learning about the commonwealth games.

Today we focussed our learning on the The Commonwealth games. We began by looking at the different countries that are involved and created some fabulous flags!

We also created some incredible posters explaining what the commonwealth is and where it originates from:

When did they begin? What inspired this?
How is the Commonwealth different to the Olympics?

Useful research:
Commonwealth Games 2022
Top facts for kids

To develop our own sports skills, communication skills, resilience and develop a healthy competitive streak we played the following sports this morning!




Long jump/ Triple jump/ shot-put and Javelin

How do the Commonwealth values link to our Broad Heath Values? Are there any links to the British Values? Explain…

Medal winners 🏅

9 responses to “Commonwealth in Y6”

  1. Abdullah A.

    I really enjoyed making a poster about commonwealth and playing for of the sports.

  2. Abdirahman D.

    It began at 1930
    It was inspired by inter-Empier championships
    It is different then the Olympic because the commonwealth was made in1930 whiles as olimpic is a international games

  3. Umaiza T.

    The commonwealth values link to the BH values as human rights kind of to respect and it kind of links to British values as democracy is a British value.

  4. Ouzair A.

    The common wealth games started in 1930 and it originated in Hamilton.
    It was inspired by the Indians and the Pakistans. The difference between the Olympics and the common wealth games are that there are more countries and people in the common wealth games than the Olympics.

  5. The Commonwealth games started in 1926.
    The games were inspired by Inter- Empire Championships
    The Olympics have no limits and almost all nations can participate whereas the Commonwealth games have a small restriction towards the countries.

  6. Bijan N.

    It linked to the broad heath values because resilience is to not give up and a e.g is rock climbing we do not give up and try to reach the end.

  7. Safya S.

    When did they begin?
    11 December 1931
    What inspired this?
    The Commonwealth of Nations was formed in 1949 to maintain an association between countries that had once been part of the British colonies, but which were considered ‘free and equal’. Commonwealth countries span the globe and, with a combined population of 2.2 billion, include almost a third of the world’s population.
    How is the Commonwealth different to the Olympics?
    The Commonwealth games first started in 1930. Whereas the Olympics is an international event where athletes and sports persons from all over the world are welcome to participate, qualify and compete against one another. These are held after every 4 years.

    1. Safya S.

      How do the Commonwealth values link to our Broad Heath Values?
      It uses inspiration in the value freedom of expressions
      Are there any links to the British Values?
      It uses it in democracy

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