2 Red’s David Attenborough inspired videos

Today, in English we watched David Attenborough doing what he does best. This inspired the children in 2 red to make their own documentaries based on what they have been learning in their lessons this week. Check out this short video to see how they got on….

What do Tigers look like?

What do Tigers eat?

Do you know any more interesting facts about Tigers?

5 responses to “2 Red’s David Attenborough inspired videos”

  1. Carter D.

    Very very good

  2. Sumayyah A.

    Tigers have orange fur and either have reddish or white and black stripes on there fur .
    Tigers mainly eat sambar deer’s, water buffalo and wild pigs .
    A male Tigers can kill you with a punching.

  3. Yasiin H.

    The tiger is the largest living cat species and member of the general Panthera

  4. Head Teacher

    Loved this blog, found it very emotional. Children were great and spoke clearly, well done.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Thank you Mrs Frankish.
      I’m glad you enjoyed it.
      The children have been fascinated by our English topic and learning about Tigers this past week, they have loved using the new knowledge they have gained, to create these videos. Mrs Penavega and myself have been really impressed with their enthusiasm.

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