Hello everyone,

The club after school will finish at 4.15 pm after each session so please make sure you are on time. I know many parents collect at 4 pm, which is fine . The club also is finishing in 4 weeks. PLEASE look at the calendar to refresh yourself about dates.

If any parent would like their child to attend, please contact the pastoral team and we can discuss whether suitable for the club.

Thank you.

10 responses to “Homework Club”

  1. Aiza B.

    Thanks for the information

  2. Nma M.

    Thank you for the information of homework club.

  3. Lawan R.

    Thank you for the info

  4. Tipian I.

    Ok thanks for the information

  5. Afsa P.

    Ok 👌

  6. Zainab A.

    Thanks for the information

  7. Ellie T.

    Ok thank you for the information

  8. Tana I.

    Thx for the info

  9. Lusardo M.

    Ths for the info

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