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Mrs Sanders’ Reading Gladiators 09/11/2021

Welcome Gladiators!

Today, we started this terms sessions by looking at fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen who is an author from the 1800s. Lots of you recognised some of his well known stories and using our knowledge of these we created a bubble map with features we expected to see while reading a fairy tale story.

This half term we will be reading the Wild Swans by Hans Christian Andersen.

This week I would like you to read to page 20 and answer the following questions. Explain your answers using evidence from the text. Write in full sentences and complete in your homework book. Please upload your work here!

How do you think the children felt when their father married the evil Queen?

Why did witchcraft have no power over Elisa?

Why did Elisa not feel lonely on the shore?

Use a dictionary to find the definitions of the following words:






Make a prediction about what might happen next? Explain your answer.

18 responses to “Mrs Sanders’ Reading Gladiators 09/11/2021”

  1. Rayyana M.

    when she woke up she was surrounded by swans that were wearing beautiful ,majestic,golden crowns looking down at Elisa. Elisa was terrified but calm at the same time the faces on the swans looks really familiar but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
    “Wow! What beautiful and elegant creatures” Elisa said in amazement but was whispering to herself
    ” Why would you love to ride-on our back” Asked the swan in Elisa’s face
    ” Oh give her personal space she doesn’t want to terrify herself.”said the one at the back
    ” Oh but I would like a flight back to my castle. My evil stepmother has made my dad think I was a peasant.” Elisa explained to the beautiful, majestic creatures
    ” Oh of course ” said the tallest one
    ” Keep your tone together we don’t want her to know” said the one at the back
    ” Who are you if you can speak”Questioned Elisa
    The swans admitted that they were her brother’s and that the evil stepmother turned them into swans and shooed them into the dark forest

    1. Rayyana M.

      I think that will happen because Lisa was sleeping on the shore and they were swan feathers and also the lady showed her where she found 11 graceful swans with sun coloured crowns on their heads so it’s all obvious that the brothers might find her because they might be on their daily swim so they might find a Elisa and might start making a circle around her so they could get a better look if it was the real Elisa or not but by the time they found out Elisa woke up and started asking questions about who they were how could they speak and why they are asking questions.

  2. Hudayifah A.

    1)the children were very sad when the evil queen came
    2) the spell didn’t work on Elisa because she was kind-hearted
    3)she never felt lonely because an old lady came

    1. Mrs Sanders

      A good start Hudayifah! Please finish the rest of the questions before Tuesday’s session.

  3. Ibrahim M.

    1) The children felt sad because the evil Queen was very selfish.
    2) Witchcraft had no power on Elisa because she was very kind and innocent.
    3) Elisa didn’t feel lonely on the shore as she went to sleep with sorrow in her heart.
    4a) Sabre – A heavy calvary sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.
    4b) Splendid – Magnificent ; Very impressive.
    4c) Virtuous – Having or showing high moral standards.
    4d) Downcast – Looking downwards (of a person eyes).

    1. Ibrahim M.

      I think that Elisa will free her brothers and stop the evil queen.

      1. Mrs Sanders

        Well done Ibrahim! How do you think Elisa will free her brothers?

  4. Noor A.

    1 The children felt scared and worried
    2 The witchcraft was easy for Lisa
    3 Lisa did not feel Lonley because she felt confident

    sabre-a heavy sword with a curved angle
    splendid- happy amazing awesome
    virtuous- showing high standards
    Downcast- someone who is feeling low or looking down

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Noor you do not have to complete these blogs, they are for the children in my Reading Gladiator group.

  5. Ayaan M.

    I think they felt scared worried and upset.
    The witch craft had no power over because Lisa was too good and innocent.
    She lay down to sleep with sorrow in her heart.

    Sabre–a heavy cavalry sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.

    Splendid– good, beautiful and impressive

    Virtuous–having or showing high moral standards.

    of a person) feeling despondent.

    I predict that Lisa will find out that her brothers became swans.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Aayan! What do you think Elisa will do when she finds out about her brothers?

  6. Ameen K.

    1.I think they felt dreadful .
    2. Elisa was too simply to innocent and to good.
    3. She went down to sleep with sorrow in her heart.
    Use a dictionary to find the definitions of the following words:
    Sabre: a cavalry with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.
    Splendid: it means very impressive.
    Virtuous: it means having or showing high moral standards.
    I think that she will find out what happened to her brothers.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Ameen! What do you think will happen once Elisa finds out about her brothers?

  7. Rayyana M.

    The children felt scared and confused
    She was too inocent and good
    She didn’t feel Lonely because the sea was changing
    Splendid: it means amazing , super and awesome
    Sabre: a heavy sword with a curved angle
    Virtuos: showing high moral standards
    Downcast: someone who who is is feeling low or looking down

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Rayyana! What do you predict will happen next? Why?

  8. Lusardo M.

    How do you think the children felt when their father married the evil Queen?
    Sad ☹️
    Why did witchcraft have no power over Elisa? Because Elisa was simply too innocent and good for the witchcraft to have any power over her
    Why did Elisa not feel lonely on the shore?

    Use a dictionary to find the definitions of the following words:






    Make a prediction about what might happen next? Explain your answer.

    1. Lusardo M.

      How do you think the children felt when their father married the evil Queen?
      Sad ☹️
      Why did witchcraft have no power over Elisa? Because Elisa was simply too innocent and good for the witchcraft to have any power over her
      Why did Elisa not feel lonely on the shore?
      She lay down to sleep with sorrow in her heart 💓.
      Use a dictionary to find the definitions of the following words:
      Sabre: blade
      Splendid : fine
      Virtuous: high minded
      Downcast: sad
      Make a prediction about what might happen next?
      The old lady will bring the 11 swans 🦢 and then the 11 swans will tell Elisa that they are her brother and then they will send her over the sea back to their home.
      Explain your answer.
      Because I think that the 11 swans are her brother and saw what happened

      1. Mrs Sanders

        Well done Lusardo! Do you think the brothers will become human again?

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