We are learning this song for after half term.

Please sing along. I enjoy the words of this song. Words to a song are called LYRICS.

15 responses to “November Project Week Music”

  1. Yahya K.

    they are identical

  2. Saee N.

    I really enjoyed it and also I sang the words till the end it was amazing.

    Thank You Mr Russell

  3. Tipian I.

    They are the same song sorry

  4. Tipian I.

    Why is it called saltwater

  5. Tipian I.

    I listen to both but they sound simar

    1. Tipian I.

      Sorry similar

  6. Aiza B.

    I liked the music 🎵

  7. Aisha R.

    I listened to all of the music 🎵

  8. Simin W.

    I listened to it

  9. Sumayyah A.

    I have practised the song a little bit

  10. Aysha R.

    I listened to the music

  11. Khadijah M.

    I will listen to the music.

  12. Freya S.

    He’s sad because the trees are dying. He cries in his song and gets sad .

  13. Mopelola L.

    I have listened to the music I really liked the songs!

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