HELP! For the first week back after the holidays Reception will be learning about recycling! Please could you save any recyclables from home for us?!

We are after things like…empty egg boxes, plastic bottles, plastic bags, boxes etc.

Please send your ‘JUNK’ to Mrs Langley in Reception White after the holidays!

15 responses to “Reception needs your JUNK!”

  1. Miss Sofeda

    Thank you to everyone who brought in their junk, we have used them to create beautiful displays in our classroom and the children have enjoyed recycling them ☺️🤩

  2. Muhammad S.


  3. Rustam M.


  4. Rustam M.


  5. Mehar R.

    I will try.

  6. Sara H.

    i will ask my family for any recyclable junk!

  7. Yahya K.


  8. Aisha R.

    I will try to find some junk🗑

  9. Simin W.

    Ok , I’ll bring some

  10. Mopelola L.

    I will try.

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