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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

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Reception Trip – Thursday 14th July

On Thursday 14th July, we are visiting the Transport Museum. We will be walking from school so please ensure that your child has sensible school shoes on on this day. The weather looks sunny and warm on this day so please ensure that your child has suncream on before coming to school and that they bring a named hat with them to wear in our walk.

Please also send your child with water in a disposable water bottle to keep them hydrated throughout the day in a named plastic bag.

If you have any questions please speak to a member of the Reception team.

6 responses to “Reception Trip – Thursday 14th July”

  1. Rehan T.

    Do they need their uniform or PE short n top??thank you

    1. Mrs Langley

      PE uniform is fine.
      Thank you.

      1. Rayyan R.

        Hi are parents coming as well.If so,do they have to come at 9am morning time with children.

        1. Head Teacher

          You are welcome to help- yes you need to be here just before 9 am.

  2. Ziad H.

    thank you for the info, ill come in with a hat and a water bottle to keep me safe in the warm weather! ☀️

  3. Faith A.

    Okay thanks

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