School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

RW – What have we been up to this week?

We have had another busy week continuing with our topic of ‘Journeys and Transport’. Please take at some of our wonderful learning and leave a comment to explain your favourite part of the week and why. 😊

PSED– To know what to do when we feel worried.

During circle time the children discussed what to do if they feel worried. They also shared stories from when they may have felt worried and what they did to make them not worry.

Understanding of the World– To identify hot and cold places and compare them.

The children identified hot and cold places. They discussed what they might pack in their suitcases if they were to visit hot and cold places and compared what it might be like to visit these different places.

Maths- To estimate.

The children began to develop an understanding of estimation. Some of us found this rather tricky! But we used our resilience and tenacity to give it a good go!

Literacy-To write a postcard.

As a class we role played going on holiday. Together we had a lovely time relaxing on the beach, building sandcastles and swimming in the sea. The children used this as a stimuli to write a postcard for someone to tell them all about their trip to the beach.

Communication and Language- To talk about a journey that we have been on.

One response to “RW – What have we been up to this week?”

  1. Aaron R.

    “When I go on holiday I send a postcard to nanny. I liked to talk about going on holiday.”

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