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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

RW – What have we been up to this week?

PSED – To think about the perspectives of others.

The children worked in small groups to freeze frame a given image showing unkind behaviour. They then were able to say how that other person may be feeling.

C&L – To describe events in detail.

The children used visual timetables to describe their day at school. They were encouraged to talk in full sentences and developed new vocabulary.

Maths – To explore the composition of numbers to 8.

The children used the numicon to develop the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8.

SEAL – To understand how to make safe choices.

During circle time the children were posed with various different scenarios and asked what they would do and how to make safe choices. The children are developing an understanding of the word safe and what that means for us when at school.

EAD – To develop story lines in their pretend play.

As we are learning about Teachers this week we have a special visit from Mrs Penavega. The children asked her questions about her job and then role played being a teacher!

Maths – Continue, copy and create repeating patterns.

The children used different resources to create their own repeated colour and shape patterns.

World Book Day

Library Time!

This week we have visited the school library! We looked carefully at books, learnt the library rules and chose books to look at in our classroom. The children will be bringing their library books home in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned for more information regarding this!

Busy Bee Time!

5 responses to “RW – What have we been up to this week?”

  1. Adam K.

    Adam said we all have to be kind and nice to all our friends… We have to look after each other…. Adam really enjoyed going to the library and making lots of different coloured patterns… Also adam said he enjoyed world’s book day where him and his friends dressed up and his teachers…

    1. Ms Hameed

      Good boy for leaving a comment, with your mummy Adam. We will be going to the library every Friday and you will be able to choose a book and take it home soon.😊

  2. Aaron R.

    “That’s not nice to Shamsa we was just pretending! I was a teacher and I did phonics and I liked to wear the teacher coat! I make a repeated pattern I called it Aaron town! I liked choosing my kitty book in the library. The library is nice and pretty and has so so many books”

    1. Mrs Hameed

      Well done for commenting Aaron, make sure you collect 2 pegs from us on Monday.😊👏

  3. Mrs Hameed

    Wow! We have done alot of amazing learning this week Mrs Langley .I wonder if anyone from Reception White can tell us what they enjoyed this week and why.

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