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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

RW – What have we been up to this week?

PSED – To know how to be a safe pedestrian.

The children learnt about how to stay safe when walking along side the road. They then role played, demonstrating how to be a safe pedestrian.

UW – To explore the natural world around us.

The children went on a Spring hunt in our school environment. The children identified signs of spring and found different natural objects along the walk.

Literacy – To spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound using letters.

The children learnt about questions and how to write them. They thought of their own questions to ask the schools junior PCSO’s and attempted to write their questions independently.

Maths – To understand the numbers 9 and 10.

The children developed an understanding of the numbers 9 and 10. They practically moved themselves with 9/10 giant steps, 9/10 tiny steps, 9/10 jumps etc. Each time they compared how far they had travelled. They also worked collaboratively to create a class number book showing an understanding of numbers to 10.

SEAL – To understand that some good choices are to help other people and not myself.

The children shared the story ‘What if everybody did that?’They then thought about the importance of good behaviour and how some good choices are to help other people and not always themselves.

EAD – Explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups.

The children used props and musical instruments to explore their own music making and dance. They then performed their dances to each other.

C&L – Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what has been said to them.

We had a visit from the Broad Heath Junior PCSO’s this week! The children listened carefully to them explaining their roles and jobs and asked sensible questions to find out more and to check their understanding.

SMSC – To know what stories Sikhs tell about a special person.

The children listened to a story of Guru Nanak and the Cobra. They used different words and expressions to demonstrate how the man on the horse felt when he saw the cobra and discussed why the cobra shaded Nanak from the sun in the story. They then looked at some different images of Nanak and thought about how we can tell that he is special.

Maths – To compare numbers.

The children wrote and made their names, identifying how many letters their name has. They then compared their name with others saying if theirs has fewer, the same or more than their friends.

Busy Bee Time

Library Time

2 responses to “RW – What have we been up to this week?”

  1. Adam K.

    Adam said we have to look right and left side when crossing road… Also no running we have to hold our adults hand.. Adam liked to wear firefighter costume and pretend to out fire out with his friends..

  2. Aaron R.

    “I want to be a Broad Heath Police Officer. They patrol around everywhere and if they see people fighting they tell them to stop. If I was a Broad Heath police I would arrest them fighting”

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