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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Star of the Week

This half term the school value we will be focusing on is respect and those children who demonstrate respect will be awarded star of the week. Respect means politeness , honour, and care towards someone or something. Congratulations to all children who earned a wristband this week.

12 responses to “Star of the Week”

  1. Afreen S.

    Congratulations on star of the week also amazing job on being polite and respectful

  2. Ali A.

    Well done and make sure that everyone and even you is good because anyone that has tried their best can get awarded a wristband.

  3. Bakary C.

    Well done for showing respect 😃😃😃

  4. Madeeha T.

    Well done

  5. Minaal A.

    Well done to all the people who got respect wristbands🙂🙂🙂

  6. Hussein H.

    Well done

  7. Kanishka P.

    Well done

  8. Osato O.

    Well done to everyone😁

  9. Osas O.

    Well done to everyone that tried their hardest.😄

  10. Ramarni J.

    Good job everyone for getting the wristband of respect👍🏻

  11. Umama H.

    Well done to all the children earning the wrist band this week and using the value of respect.

  12. Sania K.

    Well done everyone for winning a wrist and a demonstrating respect to get a wrist band .

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