Listen to the music by Howard Shore.

How does the Music make you feel?

Read the introduction to your book. Does the Music capture the setting of the story for you?

Now read the Introduction again, whilst the next clip is playing. Take notice of the visuals whilst reading the text. Take you time over the story. Take your time experiencing the music.

24 responses to “The Shire”

  1. Yaw A.

    The music is very good and peaceful. It made me feel very relaxed. It really fits with an epic adventure!

  2. Tahiyan C.

    I like the song

  3. Abdurrahman K.

    I think the music is really peaceful and relaxing 😀😀😀

  4. Hammad A.

    How does the Music make you feel ?
    This music makes me feel peaceful because of the instruments
    Does the Music capture the setting of the story for you?
    Joni ,Kaila , Aysha , Hammad and bilal

  5. Fatimah K.

    This music made me feel
    I think that the music does capture the setting because it said that it was comfortable and the music feels comfortable.It also captures the setting description because it goes from high pitch to low pitch many times.
    From Sadeen & Fatimah

  6. Aaminah A.

    How does the Music make you feel?
    The music makes us feel :
    Up going
    Does the Music capture the setting of the story for you?
    Sana – Yes, this is because the music goes with the setting as the hobbits are described as comfortable creatures.
    Aaminah – Yes, it does fit. The reason is the hobbits sound friendly and fun creatures that hate adventures.
    Safah – No. When Mr.Kane read the intro the background didn’t really match the setting in the book.


  7. Zaeem S.

    It makes me feel relaxed,calm,happy and proud .
    Yes because in the background it has the same idea as the book because when it says comfortable you can hear bright calm music and you can see flowers and sunshine .

    By Zaeem , Moosa , Mosaver and Osato.

  8. Aatifa A.

    It makes us feel relaxed, calm and peaceful. The music captures the Hobbit’s home/setting description of the introduction because it’s graceful.
    By Aatifa, Saee, Nihit, and Japji.

  9. Ismaeel K.

    This makes me feel relaxed because it is a nice setting that make me feel peaceful and also makes me feel brave


  10. Ayaan B.

    The music is peaceful and relaxing
    The intro of the book matches with the music

  11. Aysha R.

    I listened to it

  12. Sadeen S.

    This music makes me feel relaxed.

  13. Esa M.

    This music makes me feel relaxed and peaceful.

  14. Kaif B.

    The music is very peaceful and it made me feel calm

  15. Hasan S.

    At first it made me bounce around than it got exiting

  16. Muhammad J.

    The music is nice and calm it makes me feel happy

  17. Shahzaib M.

    It made me feel calm

  18. Kevin R.


  19. Afreen S.

    The first sounds like a happy ever after or the start at an adventure story
    The music was really relaxing and nice

  20. Simin W.

    The music is really nice and calm and the first one would go with an adventure story

  21. Mehar R.

    The music made me feel relaxed

  22. Moosa K.

    It makes me relaxed and happy it is peaceful.

  23. Kai D.

    This makes me feel calm and relaxed this is very peaceful
    Yes this does because it’s like some adventures happy moment

  24. Hammad A.

    The music made me feel relaxed and calm.

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