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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

This week in 2W

This week we have done lots of fun and exciting things. We started the week making disgusting sandwiches. Then we wrote instructions on how to make one. We have set up a Science experiment to see how temperature can affect the growth of a plant and we have been learning about fractions, so on Friday we made fraction pizzas.
Also, the children have been learning about compass directions and made their own treasure maps and in Computing, they made their own airport game.

What have you enjoyed the most?
Can you write some commands for making a disgusting sandwich?

6 responses to “This week in 2W”

  1. Yasmin A.

    Fun activity

  2. Tinuola T.

    It was fun.

  3. Muhammad O.

    We were learning about plant we was outside looking at plants and flowers or anything and then we take a picture of the plants

  4. Aadam R.

    I enjoyed making the disgusting sandwich. First I got bread, then I got stones and sprinkled it on and then i got a stick and poked it through and finally I got grass and sprinkled it on top.

    1. Rayan M.

      I liked making the sandwich it was soo disgusting . I made the sandwich with the yucky mud and hard rocks

  5. Hamida K.

    What have you enjoyed the most?
    I enjoyed the most making the disgusting sandwich.
    Can you write some commands for making the disgusting sandwich?
    First, get a pice of bread then spread some peanut butteron the bread.
    Then, put some leavs on the sandwich.
    After a while,get some sticks and chuck it on the sandwich.
    Finally,get some snails and put it on the sandwich.

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