Tutorial and practise for Rounding

Homework for: Marcuss, Maddox, Seher, Maryam, Rubab, Noor and Tipian

Read the instructions for how to round, then look at the examples, finally, answer the rounding questions in your homework book.

  1. Underline the number that you are rounding to.
  2. Circle the number on the right of the underlined number.
  3. If the number in the circle is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, increase the underlined number by 1.
  4. If the number in the circle is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, keep the underlined number the same.
  5. All digits after the underlined one are changed to 0.

Here are some examples of what your book should look like:

Here are the questions to be completed in your homework book on the squared paper.

4 responses to “Tutorial and practise for Rounding”

  1. Tipian I.

    I did it and I will bring it to school tomorrow

  2. Tipian I.

    Ok I will do this after school

  3. Ayaan M.

    Ok thx for telling even though I’m not in the group.

  4. Rubab G.

    done it

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