Understanding Tenacity

Today, 3 Red have been focusing on one of our Broad Heath British values; tenacity. The children have learnt the meaning of this value, by reflecting on times they have used tenacity and perseverance. We then made 3 targets for the year, describing how we plan to use tenacity to reach our goals. 3 Red described these targets in the iMovie below.

What is your main goal for Year 3? How are you going to use tenacity to achieve this? Comment your answer below.

11 responses to “Understanding Tenacity”

  1. Madeeha T.

    Okay Mrs Holland.

  2. Khadijah M.

    I loved learning the value tenacity! I will watch the video Miss Holland.

  3. Nihal P.

    My target is to become more confident at swimming and to improve my handwriting. I will tenacity to practice and try, try again.

  4. Madeeha T.

    My goal in year 3 is to learn my time table 8,7,6 and 4.

    1. Miss Holland

      Lots of practise and you will be able to in no time!

  5. Rehyan M.

    My main goal is 4x 6x 8x time tables ,PE and Swimming

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done Rehyan

  6. Myiesha S.

    My main goal is the achive more better at maths and getting green stamps every time.

  7. Mopelola L.

    My goal is to improve my art in year 3. I will use tenacity by practicing every day.

    1. Miss Holland

      Great attitude Mo, well done.

  8. Mohammed D.

    I have achieved my goal

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