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Wellbeing day in 6W!

A wonderful wellbeing day in 6W! What has been your favourite activity today? Why?

27 responses to “Wellbeing day in 6W!”

  1. Aisha B.

    My favourite activity was making the bread.The bread because it was fun to make and mix all the ingredients also because it was delicious.

  2. Safya S.


  3. Ali K.

    I enjoyed activity Maths because it was like a question for us to solve and I enjoyed the bread

  4. Safya S.

    I enjoyed making the bread because I love cooking
    The values I used in this was when it was a workout with making the bread we did perseverance and kept on going to make some brilliant bread
    ( I used alliteration there )

    1. Miss Vega

      Yes… alliteration! What other values did you use?

  5. Umaiza T.

    I enjoyed this day! My favourite part was when we were making the dough for the bread! I also enjoyed the active maths with exercise and science posters, I enjoyed the science posters because the exercise was fun although the screaming was kind of annoying.

    1. Miss Vega

      Screaming? I asked you all to react as if a bird had flown over your head (ducking etc)…. this was all about expressions and incorporating drama :)

  6. Zaid M.

    I really enjoyed when we were recording our pulses and comparing our resting pulse with our active pulse.
    Also the bread was delicious!

    1. Miss Vega

      What did you find when comparing your resting and active pulses?

  7. Marwa H.

    My favourite activity was when we did active maths because it was like an adventure!

    1. Miss Vega

      Can you think of a metaphor to describe yourself on this adventure?

  8. Iqra

    My favourite thing of wellbeing day was when we made the bread. It was really fun! 😁 I also liked it when we made the posters about ‘Does exercise affect our heart equally?’

  9. Abubaker R.

    I enjoyed making the bread

    1. Miss Vega

      Why Abubaker?

  10. Aamina B.

    My favourite activity on Well being day was making the bread!!
    This was because I’ve never made bread before and it was verry different to other Well-Being Days!

    1. Miss Vega

      We will be making lots of different types of bread in the future!

  11. Hajrah S.

    I enjoyed making the bread and eating them.

  12. Alexis J.

    When we made the bread it was very fun and it was delicious! Can we make pizza next?

  13. Bolu

    My favourite part was active maths because it was really fun

    1. Miss Vega

      What values did you use when completing the exercises?

  14. Yahya K.

    I enjoyed making bread next time can we do pizza 🍕

    1. Miss Vega

      That’s a good suggestion!

  15. Alina B.

    I enjoyed making the dough and doing active maths .

    1. Miss Vega

      What BH Values did you use today?

  16. Hamaad D.

    I enjoyed making the dough and eating the sandwiches because it was fun and the bread was delicious!
    Also, I enjoyed it when we created the science posters and did the active maths problems.

    1. Miss Vega

      I am so glad you enjoyed it Hamaad! What BH values have you used today?

      1. Hamaad D.

        We used teamwork and resilience to create the dough.

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