Rock kidz moto is YASBA (you’re awesome so be awesome)! As part of health week, each class will have one Rock Kidz t-shirt to a student who has been awesome throughout the week. This can be through one big accomplishment or going above and beyond throughout the whole week, showing Broad Heath values of brilliance and individuality. So, if you would like to be going home with one of these by the end of the week, remember to be awesome!

51 responses to “Win a Rock Kidz T-Shirt”

  1. Japji K.

    I’m really excited because I never had so I can’t wait also yasba.

  2. Abdulasiis M.

    Good luck.

  3. Rayyan R.

    Rayyan said he wants to be awesome to win this tshirt.

  4. Zahraa Y.

    Thank you for letting is do this because probably most of us do not have it .also good luck also YASBA!!

  5. Zainab A.

    Thanks for the information ✅
    I will be awesome👍👍

  6. Hanfaa N.

    I’m excited I really want to win because I really want one because I don’t have one…

  7. Hamza M.

    That’s awesome thanks 😊

  8. Hosanna N.

    I will win 🙂

  9. Ramandeep K.


  10. Liyana M.

    The shirt looks Cool

  11. Emraan A.

    Am going to win in the rock kidz

  12. Elyas S.

    Ok thanks for the info and I will try my best.

  13. Madeeha T.

    How do you winnit?

  14. Mehar R.

    Good luck

  15. Tipian I.

    Good luck 🤞 someone will win it

  16. Surinder J.

    I will try to win one!

  17. Aamina B.

    Oohh can’t wait!

  18. Ameena I.

    I’ll try my best to get that T shirt.

  19. Adam A.

    I will do my best to win💪💪💪

  20. Aadam R.

    I really hope that I get a rock kids T-shirt and I’m going to be the best brilliant student.

  21. Zoe E.

    Okay cool

  22. Nma M.

    Thank you for the information.

  23. Sania K.

    Awesome YASBA

  24. Markuss B.

    I am going to be awesome to get the t-shirt.

  25. Hammad A.


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