Hi Year 1!

On Friday, it is European Languages Day. Year 1 will be learning all about France.

Please can children come to school wearing either red, white or blue clothes. These are the colours of the French flag.

We cannot wait for a fun day!

Miss Smith

10 responses to “Y1 France Day FRIDAY”

  1. Maryum N.

    I loved France day I had good fun.

  2. Jasmine P.

    Ok thank you

  3. Zakir F.

    I Hope I Will enjoy French Day! and have lots of fu

  4. Haris S.

    So excited for France day!

  5. Naksh P.

    Thank you for the amazing information.

  6. Maximilian J.

    Ok thank you for information ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Syed A.

    Ok thank you

  8. Amelia R.

    When is fetch day

    1. Head Teacher

      You mean French day? Aut is this Friday, 24 th September.

  9. Tala I.

    Okay ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Thank you for information

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