Hello Year 2. Please remember to choose 2 of the challenges to complete for homework. Have a lovely weekend.

Please upload your work to https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/Emb5XN-xi95Gouyy8aAzGKEBeboCTbkOwT1XcjrVwVZDlA

65 responses to “Y2 Homework”

  1. Eesaa A.

    Once upon a time there were 2 children called Hansel and Gretel. They lived with their father who was very poor and worked as a woodcutter. He decided to get married again. When Hansel and Gretel saw stepmother they were happy because they had a mother again. But their stepmother didn’t love them.

    When they went to bed, they heard their stepmother telling their father “We are going to leave our kids in the forest” their father was terrified, he didn’t want to leave his children in the forest. Hansel and Gretel heard all of what was said and Hansel said to Gretel “if they leave us in the forest we can find our way back to our home”.

    The next day they went into the forest with their mother and father who then went back home. Hansel had dropped pebbles to find his way back home. Hansel said to Gretel “let’s wait until night before we go home”. When it was night Hansel and Gretel followed the pebbles and went back home. When they reached home their mother was furious and told them to go back into the forest.

    Their parents took them back to the forest. However this time Hansel dropped breadcrumbs on the floor. But when they tried to follow the breadcrumbs they couldn’t find the breadcrumbs. After a long time wondering in the forest they found a scrumptious dazzling house. They started eating the house. The house belonged to a witch who was out, but she came back. The witch said “who’s that eating my house?”she then asked them to come in to her house.

    When Hansel and Gretel went into the house, the witch cunningly locked Hansel up and made Gretel cook. The witch fed Hansel to become rotund so she could eat him.
    The witch was short sighted and Hansel gave a bone to her and she thought that was cancelled so she said “you’re not fat enough”.

    The witch decided that she would cook Hansel and eat him. When Gretel was cooking she said to the evil witch “I don’t know how to cook “. Gretel Trick the witch to go over to the oven. Gretel then pushed the witch in to the oven. The witch screamed “aaaahhhhhhhhhh!” Gretel then closed the oven door. The evil wicked witch died.

    Gretel then looked around for the key. She found the key in the drawer. She unlocked Hansel from the cage. They decided to look around the witches house and they found some treasure and jewellery. They run out of the witches house and found their way home.

    When they got home their father was really happy because he hadn’t seen them in a long time. Hansel and Gretel were really happy because they hadn’t seen their father in a long time. They gave all of the treasure and jewellery to the father. They were no longer poor. And they lived happily ever after.

  2. Sumayyah A.

    Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister called Hansel and Gretel, there mother had passed away and they lived with their father.
    Their father after a few years married again. She was from a rich family and did not like the children.
    One night hansel and Gretel overheard their stepmother speaking to the father to get rid of the children. They were both very upset and hansel went in the night to collect some pebbles.
    In the morning they all started to walk to the forest, while they were walking hansel dropped the pebbles to mark the path home.
    In the afternoon their father lit and fire and both he and the stepmother went away leaving the children, they did not return.
    When the night fell hansel and Gretel were scared off all the noises and predators. When the moon rose they started to follow the moon lit pebbles back home. There dad was very happy and surprised however their stepmother was very upset.
    After three days the stepmother tried to get rid of them again, she locked the room door at night so he could not collect any stones.
    When they left hansel was very clever and decided to use scrunched up bread crumbs to mark the path home.
    In the afternoon their father and stepmother left them again, hansel and Gretel decided to follow the breadcrumbs home earlier before it got dark but soon the path disappeared because all the breadcrumbs had been eaten by the birds.
    They were really upset and lost and they wondered around the forest for three days. On the third day they found a snow white bird and it sang beautiful songs for them. They forgot there hunger and started to follow the bird. The bird lead them to a funny looking house made of crunchy gingerbread, sweet cake and colourful cream.
    The children ran towards the house and just as they were about to take a bite they heard a voice. A lady asked them to come in the house after hansel and Gretel explained what had happened.
    When inside the house it was a lot different, it was very scary looking but because they were so tired and hungry they did not worry too much. The old lady bought loads of delicious food for them and they ate all the food and slept on the softest bed.
    In the morning when they woke up the old lady was not home and after looking around the house they found loads of gold. Just then the old lady came back but they realised she was a witch and tried to run away but they could not get out and the with grabbed hansel by the hair and locked him in a cage and dragged Gretel to the kitchen, she told her to cook loads of food for hansel to fatten him up and then she would eat him.
    Gretel had no choice but to do what the witch had said, but Hansel was a very clever boy, every night he was digging a hole and hiding the food so he would not get fat. The witch would tell Gretel to cook more food but after a few days the witch had enough and said she would cook hansel pie and eat him.
    The witch asked Gretel to look in the oven to check if the dough was hot but Gretel also being very clever said to the witch I cannot see in the oven the witch then came over and as she was looking in the oven Gretel pushed her into the oven with all her might and closed the oven door.

    Gretel knew where the witch hid the key for the cage Hansel was in, she set him free and they ran away from the burning house into the wood. They did not know where they were going and found their way to a river A giant swan took them to the other side and they then knew where there house was.
    When they got home there father hugged them because he was so happy, he told them that their step mother had left and he was sorry and would never do that again.
    However Hansel; and Gretel had another surprise for their father they had taken some gold and diamonds from the witch and they could all now live happily ever after.
    The End

  3. Ilyas K.

    Ilyas story tell video sent.

  4. Mohammed K.

    Sent mywow

  5. Ilyas K.

    I got 9/10, 12/12 and 15/15 on hit the button. I need to practice more.

  6. Mohammed K.

    Ones upon a time there was a step mother and a father and Hansel and Gretal. The step mum told the dad to take them to the forest and leave them there. Hansel and Gretal heard there mum talking to the dad. Then hansel and Gretal took pebbles and left them on the floor so they know where they going. Then came back hime and the step mum was shocked. After they took them back to the forest and then they bringed bread crumps and throwed it on the floor but the birds ate it and didnt find there way home. They found a delicious house the witch lived there and wanted to eat Hansel and Gretal. So Hansel pushed the witch in the oven and then they found there house. When they came home there step mum was gone. Finally they lived happily ever after.

  7. Ibrahim I.

    Hello, thank you for noticing us this homework and we’ve decided that Ibrahim would like to do his times tables and WOW homework, we would send the video as soon as possible!

    1. Ibrahim I.

      And the picture of his portrait!

      1. Ibrahim I.

        Ibrahim has completed his times table ‘Hit The Button’
        He has surprisingly scored a perfect 22 out of 22 first time without a single mistake! We are proud and hope you guys are as well!

  8. Dean-Junior L.

    Dj retold the story of Hansel and Gretal very nicely . ( sorry it’s to long to post )
    His also played hit the button and we have sent on a very video of him learning his 2 times tables with mum.

  9. Tinuola T.

    I played Hit The Button two times first I got 15\16 then I got 24\25.
    I have also done my picture of my mum and my own version of Hansel and Gretel.

  10. Muhammad K.

    Ahyan has done his work.

  11. Mustafa Z.

    Mustafa finished his homework. Two videos uploaded.

  12. Ariyan S.

    I have played hit the botton my score is 18 out of 18 and I sent my video.

  13. Yusuf S.

    Yusuf retold the story of Hansel and Gretel beautifully. I really enjoyed his recount.
    We have uploaded his 2x times table video and story to sharepoint.

  14. Ranj M.

    Once apon a time there lived a boy called Hansel and a girl called Gretal they lived in a little house with there father and stepmother, they are poor. In the morning, the stepmother asked them to get ready to go to the forest. Hansel had collected pebbles as he had heard the conversation of parents the earlier night. As they left their home, the boy dropped pebbles on the way. After walking for some duration, they reached a spot where the stepmother asked the children to wait until they return back. But it was only a trick to leave the children in the forest.
    At midnight, when they got up, the boy thought of returning to the house. He could return successfully with the assistance of pebbles he had dropped. At home, they were welcomed by the father though the mother was indifferent. There was another famine in the country, which forced the mother to bring the previous idea back again. The boy, unlike the previous time, was unable to collect pebbles as the mother had locked the door from outside. Early in the morning, the children were woken up and given bread. The boy dropped the bread on the way making it crumbs. Unlike before, the parents took them deep into the forest. The children were left there. They wished that their parents would come which didn’t happen as they had thought. The children couldn’t return back to their house as the bread crumbs had been eaten by birds. They, at last, reached to a house made of bread and cakes. As they nibbled from the house, a voice sweetly spoke them to continue. It was a witch, who used to eat children whoever came handy. The witch, on the next day, imprisoned the brother and compelled the sister to do laborious deeds. Every day the witch went there and checked how fat he had become.
    The boy could deceive her with the help of a bone. As she realized that the lad would never become sedentary, she decided to end the consequence. Early in the morning, she ordered Gretel to fetch water. She had prepared oven to end the brother and sister. As Gretel arrived there, she asked her to be in. Gretel showed ignorance of the way of entering and asked her to demonstrate. No sooner had the witch tried to enter her head, she pushed her into the oven and closed it. She then released her brother. They went inside the house and collected treasures. On the way back home, they arrived by a river, which was full of water. The boy asked a duck to help him across the river. As they reached their house after a long walk, they saw their father, who welcomed them happily. Their stepmother had already died.

  15. Ranj M.

    I have played hit the button my score is 29/29 and I uploaded my 2 times table video.

  16. Safa M.

    I finished the homework and I send.

  17. Hishaam G.

    I got 15 for my maths work. I have sent a video for my story.

  18. Hadiya M.

    I have done my math and wow homework. My mum upload it. I play hit the button game, my score was 11/12.

  19. Sumayyah A.

    I did my math and wow work and sent it🦄

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