Hi Year 2. Below is your homework for this week. Have a great weekend superstars!

Please send a copy of your homework to https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/EsD2gHjBK3NPlVAWq5QMrZEB9FhU4vyy6lwlqWIlIYBlzA

Below is a link to Y2 homework overview on the blog.


52 responses to “Year 2 Homework”

  1. Adrian O.

    I want to buy a laptop for 96p.
    But there’s no 96p so I can use 1. 50p+20p+20p+5p+1p=96p.
    2. 10p+10p+10p+10p+10p+10p+10p+10p+10p+5p+1p=96p.
    3. 20p+20p+20p+20p+10p+5p+1p=96p.

  2. Adrian O.

    Samuel Pepys was born in 23rd February 1633.
    He was the son of John Pepys.
    From a young age Pepys suffered from bladder stones.
    He died in 1703 at age 70.
    In 1657 Pepys decided to undergo surgery.

  3. Jesumeene O.

    I would like to buy a foot ball for 95p.
    I could use 50p+20p+20p+5p= 95p

  4. Jesumeene O.

    I have done my home work, I will upload it

  5. Sami J.

    Week 2 Maths uploaded

  6. Shumiyah H.

    I have upload my homework

  7. Hadiya M.

    1) I would like to buy pirate stickers for 39p.
    I could use 20p + 10p + 5p + 2p + 2p =39p
    I could also use 10p+10p+10p+2p+2p+2p+2p+1p=39p
    2) I would like to buy chocolate coins for 69p.
    I could use 50p+10p+5p+2p+1p+1p=69p
    I could also use 20p+20p+20p+5p+2p+2p=69p

    * Samuel Pepys was born on 23rd Feburary 1633.
    * He had ten brothers and sisters and his father was a tailor.
    * You pronounce his surname as “peeps”.
    * He grew up against the backdrop of the English Civil War.
    * He continued his studies at Cambridge University.
    * After university, he began to work in the navy.
    * He wrote his diary from 1660-1669.
    * In 1673, he became a Member of Parliament.
    * He died on 26 May 1703.

  8. Tinuola T.

    I’m sorry I made a mistake,ccorrection: 20p+20p+20p+20p=80p,2p+2p+2p+2p=8p.altogether is 88p.

  9. Esa A.

    I have completed my work.

  10. Ranj M.

    Ranj done his homework and uploaded.

  11. Aiza B.

    I bought a pen which was 70p but as there is no 70p so I add 20p+20p+10p+10p+5p+5p=70p.

  12. Tinuola T.

    I would like to buy some crisps for 88p there’s no such thing as 88p so I could make it like this. :50p +20p +10 p=80p, 5p+2p+1p =8p altogether it makes 88p.
    20p+20p+20=80p, 2p+2p+2p=8p altogether it makes 88p. There’s multiple ways to make 88p.

  13. Mustafa Z.

    Mustafa done his homework and photos uploaded.

  14. Sandra A.

    Sandra did her homework and I uploaded it

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