Year 2 Reading Challenge Summer 2 2022

If you can, read the text by yourself or you can have someone read it to you.

How many different species of minibeast are found in the United Kingdom?
Give 2 facts about millipedes.
How are the skeletons of most minibeasts different to humans?

Are caterpillars herbivores? How do you know? Give evidence from the text.
How are bees useful to humans?
Why do slugs often try to hide?

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words:
* environment     *species     *pollen    *quantity    *threatened

Research a minibeast of your choice using the internet or books and create a poster displaying key facts. Be creative – make it colourful, neat and add pictures. REMEMBER! Don’t just copy everything you read. Use your OWN words.

69 responses to “Year 2 Reading Challenge Summer 2 2022”

  1. Bhavdeep B.

    1. There are 30000 of different types of mini beasts.
    2. Milipeads have longer bodies and large number of legs.
    3. Most minibeast do not have a skeleton like human.
    1 Caterpillars are herbivores so they eat plants
    2 bees collect honey
    3. Slugs hide under the plants to blend them from being seen for safety
    1Environment means a natural world
    2 a group of living organisms of similar individuals
    3 a fine powder from flowers
    4 an amount or number
    5. When you may get harmed or risk.

  2. Toleen S.


    1. There are over 30,000 of different species of minibeast in the UK.
    2. Millipedes have longer bodies and a large number of legs, and live on leaves.
    3. Most minibeasts do not have skeletons like humans but have a shell on the outside of their bodies. However, some minibeast bodies are only soft.

    1. Caterpillars are herbivores because they live mostly on leaves and eat them.
    2. Bees are important as they collect pollen to make honey. By moving from flower to flower they also make more flowers to grow.
    3. Slugs hide under plants to blend with them from being seen forsafety.

    1. What does environment mean
    Environment means a natural world or the surroundings and conditions in which creatures live.

    2. What does species mean
    a group of living organisms of similar individuals.

    3. what does pollen mean
    pollen means a fine powder from flowers.

    4. What does quantity mean
    an amount or number of material.

    5. What does threatened mean
    threatened means when you may get harmed or at risk.

  3. Yasmin A.

    -There are 30,000 mini beast in the United Kingdom.
    – millipedes that have longer bodies a number of legs.
    – most minibeast do not have a skeleton like humans.
    -Caterpillars are herbivores so they eat plants.
    – they sting you if you move. If you don’t move they don’t sting you.
    -So people don’t kill slugs.
    Environment means lithosphere, hydosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
    Species is similar to animal or plant which the member has similar characteristics to each other and can breed to each other.
    Pollen is a powdery substance provided by seed plant.
    Quantity is the amount of number of something especially that cam be measured.
    Threatened to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them or cause problem if they do not tell you what you want.
    I will choose a mini beast and do a poster.

  4. Shemaiah W.

    I have done it in my homework book.

  5. Simeongeya W.

    I am already done it last week.
    Check my homework book.

  6. Ameena I.

    1:There are well over 30,000 different kinds of minibeasts in the UK.
    2:Millipedes have longer bodies and large numbers of legs.
    3:Most minibeasts don’t have a skeletons but have hard shells to protect them.
    Catapillars are herbivores because they eat leaves.
    Bees collect pollen from flowers to make honey ,they help to grow more flowers.
    Slugs hide under the plants to blend them so they can not be seen.

  7. Oluwaduminu S.

    – there 30,00 of minibeasts
    – have a exoskeleton which have your bones on the outside instead of having in the inside
    -they huge amount of legs.
    – and they have a really long body

    1. Oluwaduminu S.

      * speices in the first sentence

      1. Oluwaduminu S.

        this is kitan not dunmi

  8. Ebeid M.

    how many mini beasts are in the uk?
    there are caterpillars bees beetles and centpides.
    2 milipedes play a large role of breaking natures waste.
    mili pedes have between 40 and 400 legs.
    minibeast skeletons do not have the same as humans because minibeasts have shells on the outside of there bodies to protect them

    are caterpilars herbivores?
    yes because they only eat plants.
    how are bees useful to humans? because they make more plants grow.
    why are snails are often to hide?
    because other countries in the world eat them.

    enviroment- the conditioins in wich you live or work.
    speciec- a group of plants or animal that are similar to eachother
    pollen a fine usally yellow powder which is formed in flowers.
    threatened to warn you may kill or heart sombody.
    quantity the measurment of sth by stating how much of it there is.

  9. Emil D.

    Enviroment-The surroundings or conditions in which a person,animal or plant lives or operates.
    Species-A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    Threatened-state one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done.
    pollon-A mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust.
    Quantity-the amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.

    Yes caterpillars are herbivores because most live on leaves.
    Bees are useful for humans because they collect up pollen that makes the flowers healthy so then they collect up carbon dioxide and swap it with H20 and then we can breath properly.
    slugs hide in the hot because that will lose there body moisture and they will die.

  10. Muhammed H.

    1.30 000
    2.oldest land animals
    Curl up into a spiral when threatened beasts don’t have a skeleton they have a Shell

  11. Neda S.

    Over 30,000 minibeasts are all over the UK.Millipedes have long bodies they mostly live of leaves
    A caterpiller is a herbivore because they eat leaves.Bees are useful to human because they make honey and help flowers grow.
    Snails hide because people from different countrys eat them
    Pollen means powdery substance.
    Environment means the natural world whole or in a particular geographical area especially affected by humans activity.
    Species means a kind of sort.
    Quantity means the amount or number of a material.
    Threatend means state ones itention to take hostile action against someone in retribution.

  12. Siyam A.

    There are over 30,000 species of minibeasts.
    Millipedes have long bodies and lots of legs and live on leaves.
    Most minibeasts do not have skeletons like humans and instead have a shell on the outside.

  13. Jari V.

    1, 30,000 different types of mini beasts are found in the United Kingdom.
    2, Millipedes have lots of legs, 1,000!
    Millipedes have longer bodies than caterpillars.
    3, Mini beasts do not have skeletons like humans, instead they have shells to help protect them.
    1, Yes caterpillars are herbivores because they eat plants and fruit. They also live mostly on leaves.
    2, Bee’s are very useful to humans because they collect the pollen from flowers which helps them to grow, this is called pollination. They also turn the pollen into honey which humans can use to eat, drink and make medicine with. We can also make candles from the beeswax and food wrappers.
    3, Slugs try to hide because they have soft delicate bodies and could get hurt easily.
    Environment – External conditions and surroundings, especially those that effect the quality of life of plants, animals and human beings.
    Species – A class of plants or animals with the same main characteristics.
    Pollen – The yellow dust, containing male spores that is formed in the anthers of flowers.
    Quantity – An amount that can be measured, counted or weighed.
    Threatened – A declaration of an intention to inflict harm or punishment upon another.

  14. Halimah K.

    1) There are over 30,000 minibeasts in the United Kingdom.
    2) Millipedes have longer bodies and live on leaves.
    -) They do not have a skeleton.
    3) Most mini beats don’t even have a skeleton.

    1) Yes because it says they only eat plants and leaves.
    2) Because they help humans make honey.
    3) Because they try not to die.

  15. Sandra A.

    There are 30,000 different kinds
    of minibeasts in the u.k.
    Minibeasts that have longer bodies and a large number of
    Environment : the conditions that you live
    Species :a set of animals or plants
    Quantity :the amount or number something
    Threatened:cause problems

  16. Eliza N.

    Are caterpillars herbivores? How do you know? Give evidence from the text.
    There are species like caterpillars and
    millipedes that have longer bodies and a large number of legs, and live mostly on leaves.
    How are bees useful to humans?
    They are important as they collect pollen to make honey and
    by moving from flower to flower.

    Why do slugs often try to Snails carry a hard shell on their backs and are able to pull back into this shell if they feel
    Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words:
    * environment *species *pollen *quantity *threatened

    Environment means the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

    Species mean a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.

    Pollen means a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.

    Quantity means the amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.

    Threatened means state one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done.

    1. Eliza N.

      Why do slugs often try to hide?
      These animals often try to hide or blend in with the plants around them so that they are not seen.

  17. Javishan R.

    1.Over 30,000 species of minibeasts are found all over the Uk.
    2.Millepedes do not have 1,000 legs and yes they live in rocks.
    3.Bees are different to humans because Bees do not have bones except a shell unlike humans humans have bones that make a connection with your skin so you can move your body parts.
    1. Catapillars are herbivores because herbivores eat plants and Catapillars do too that’s why Catapillars are herbivores.
    2. Bees are helpful to humans because Bees take pollen and they will make the pollen into honey and they eat it that’s how honeys made.
    3. Slugs hide so they don’t die they would either dig into the soil and hide or they would camouflage.

  18. Esa A.

    1) There are well over 30,000 different kind of minibeast in the United Kingdom.
    2)Millipedes have longer bodies and a large number of legs and live mostly on leaves.
    3)Most minibeasts do not have a skeletons like humans , they have a shell on the outside of their bodies to protect them. However, some minibeasts’ bodies are only soft.
    1) Yes caterpillars are herbivores because they live mostly on leaves.
    2)Bees are important as they collect pollen to make honey and by moving from flower to flower , they help more flowers to grow.
    3)Slugs hide under the plants to blend them so they are not seen by their enemies.
    1)environment means surroundings of humans or animals where they live
    2)species means a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    3)pollen-a fine powdery substance , typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower .
    4)quantity-number of a material

  19. Safaa Y.

    In the UK there are 30,000 different kinds of minibeasts.
    Millipedes have longer bodies and a large number of legs and live mostly on leaves. Most of the minibeasts don’t have skeletons like humans and they have a hard shell on the outside to protect their bodies.

  20. Aadam R.

    There are over 30,000 species of minibeasts.
    Millipedes have long bodies and lots of legs and live on leaves.
    Most minibeasts do not have skeletons like humans and instead have shell
    I know that caterpillars are herbivores because they eat plants and leaves. I couldn’t find anything in the text I just know that.
    Bees are helpful to humans because they make honey and by collecting pollen they help more flowers to grow.
    Slugs hide because they are shy.

    Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words:
    * environment means where a person, plant or animal lives.
    *species means a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
    *pollen means a fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone
    *quantity means how many
    *threatened means that your getting bullied.
    Platinum – I will make a poster and bring it in to school.

  21. Alisha S.

    There are over 30,000 different mini beasts.Some mini beasts can fly like butterflies , bees and ladybugs. Most minibeasts do not have a skeleton like humans they have a shell on the outside of
    their bodies to protect them. However some minibeasts’ bodies are only soft
    Catapillars Are herbivores because they eat leaves and other plants.
    They are important as they collect pollen to make honey and
    by moving from flower to flower, they help more flowers grow.
    Slugs hide under plants to blend them so that they are not seen
    Environment – the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
    Species – a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g. Homo sapiens.
    Pollen – a fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals.
    quantity – the amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement
    Threatened cause (someone or something) to be vulnerable or at risk; endanger.

  22. Jebrin Y.

    1) There are 30,000 different kinds of minibeast in the UK.
    2) The coil into a spiral when threatened, The are some of the oldest land animals.
    3) Millipedes don’t have bones, their body is soft and they have a exoskeleton which is a hard shell on the outside. This protects their soft bodies.
    1) Caterpillars eat leaves which makes them a Herbivore.
    2) Bees pollinate flowers by rubbing in them, this helps the fruit and veg grow so humans can eat them.
    3) Slugs hide as they don’t have a shell to protect them , this makes them vulnerable.
    1) Environment – The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
    2) Species – A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    3) Pollen – A fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower.
    4) Quantity – The amount or number of a material.
    5) Threatened – State one’s intention to take hostile action.
    This is my fact file on arachnids ( known as spiders). A lot of people have Arachnophobia. This is where you are scared of spiders. Spiders may be scary but they are fascinating. All spiders have 8 legs, they don’t have antenna which separates them from other kinds of insects. They also have 4 sets of eyes, which gives them sharp vision .In some species, males are often much smaller than the females in size. This is unusual as this is the opposite for a lot of animal species. When a female spider lays eggs it lays a whopping 3,000 eggs. The largest spider is the Giant Bird Eating Spider and the Huntsman spider is the world’s largest spider by leg-span. The Giant Bird Eating Spider can be found in South America. Despite its name it only rarely eats birds. Many house spiders use a trick to capture flies. They set down a web and wait for flies to fly into them. Once they fly has been caught in the web then the spider than preys on them .There are believed to be at least 40,000 species of Spiders in the world.

  23. Rayan Ma.

    How many different species of minibeast are found in the United Kingdom?
    30000 species.
    Give 2 facts about millipedes.
    Millipedes that have longer bodies and a larger number of legs.
    How are the skeletons of most mini Beasts different to humans?
    Most mini beast don’t have skeletons like humans.
    Are caterpillars herbivores? How do you know? Give evidence from the text.
    Caterpillars live mostly on leaves.
    How are bees useful to humans? They are important as they collect pollen to make honey and by moving from flower to flower they help more flowers grow.
    Why do slugs often try to hide? The bodies of slugs are completely soft and birds and other predators can easily eat them so that’s why they hide.

    Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words:
    * environment *species *pollen *quantity *threatened
    Environment =The world we live in, especially the plants animals and things around us.
    Species = A type of animal or plant.
    Pollen = pollen is a yellow powder that you find inside flowers. Pollen is carried from one flower to another by the wind or by insects so that the flower can produce seeds.
    Quantity = A quantity is an amount
    Threatened = to threaten someone means to say that you will do something nasty to them.
    Research a minibeast of your choice using the internet or books and create a poster displaying key facts. Be creative – make it colourful, neat and add pictures. REMEMBER! Don’t just copy everything you read. Use your OWN words.

    I will bring my poster in on Monday.

  24. Haroon E.

    How many different species of minibeast are found in the United Kingdom?
    There are over 30,000
    Give 2 facts about millipedes.
    They have long legs and live on leaves.
    How are the skeletons of most minibeasts different to humans?
    They have a shell than bone.

    1. Hasan N.

      1There are well over 30,00 species of in beasts in the United Kingdom

  25. Faris B.

    1. There are well over 30,000 species of mini beasts in the United Kingdom.
    2. Millipedes have a large number of legs and live mostly on leaves.
    3. Most mini beasts don’t have a skeleton like humans, they have a shell on the outside of their bodies to protect them.

  26. Rexford A.

    1.Over 30,000 species of minibeasts are found all over the Uk.
    2.Millepedes do not have 1,000 legs and yes they live in rocks.
    3.Bees are different to humans because Bees do not have bones except a shell unlike humans humans have bones that make a connection with your skin so you can move your body parts.
    1. Catapillars are herbivores because herbivores eat plants and Catapillars do too that’s why Catapillars are herbivores.
    2. Bees are helpful to humans because Bees take pollen and they will make the pollen into honey and they eat it that’s how honeys made.
    3. Slugs hide so they don’t die they would either dig into the soil and hide or they would camouflage.

  27. Rayan M.


    Their are over 25,000 different species of minibeasts in the uk.

    Millipedes love damp spaces because they require moisture to live.

    Most minibeasts do not have a skeleton like humans they have a shell on the outside of their bodies to protect them.

  28. Nabiha I.

    A caterpillar is a hebivores because it eats plants.
    Environment – the surrounding or conditions in which a person,animal or plant lives or operate.
    Species-a group of living organisms consisting of similer individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    Pollen-a powder,produced by the ale part of a flower.

  29. Rayan M.

    30,000 mini beast are found in the United Kingdom
    Millipedes have a large body and large number of legs.
    Millipedes mostly live on leaves.

    skeletons of most minibeasts are different to most humans because some of them have shells outside their bodies to protect them.

  30. Sumayyah A.

    Gold Challenge
    Environment – the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
    Species – a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    Pollen – a fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone
    quantity – the amount or number of a material or abstract thing
    Threatened – state one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done.

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