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Year 2 Trip Tomorrow – Information

Please arrive between 8:30am and 8:45am, at the latest, tomorrow. The coach will be leaving at 9am.

Children are to wear their school uniform please. The weather looks great, so no need for a coat, as it stands.

If you are bringing a packed lunch, please can it be sent in a disposable bag and bottle, so that it can be thrown away after it has been finished. PLEASE NO FIZZY DRINKS!!!

Children who have school dinners will have a lunch provided.

Children will not need any money for the day.

10 responses to “Year 2 Trip Tomorrow – Information”

  1. Emil D.

    Hi, are the kids allowed to bring a backpack with their lunch in it? I think its easier to carry than a plastic bag? Emils mum

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      We ask the children to bring a carrier bag, so they do not have to carry it after they have eaten their lunch.

  2. Simeongeya W.

    can we eat bread

    1. Head Teacher

      Yes why not?

  3. Jebrin Y.

    Thank you so much

  4. Shemaiah W.

    My mum said she will give me packed lunch and school close with boots wat are water prove .

  5. Dean-Junior L.

    Is breakfast club still on for the year 2 children that will be going on the trip ?

    1. Head Teacher

      Of course.

      1. Dean-Junior L.

        Thank you .

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