Hello Y2. This is Week 5 homework. Remember to complete two out of the three tasks by Wednesday. Also, please remember to get your diary signed when you have read at home and complete any challenges that have been set. Have a great weekend!

Please send copies of your work to https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/Ek9wTwBxW0NLnIvTXKSAkeIBOHgDga6q6Y6-Is3T3FpjCg

43 responses to “Year 2 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Aadam R.

    Literacy homework has been uploaded.

  2. Yasmin A.

    I have finished my work

  3. Toleen S.

    I done homework

    1. Head Teacher

      I did my homework.

  4. Simeongeya W.

    I have completed my homework

  5. Simeongeya W.

    I’ve done my homework and draw Horrid henry too.

  6. Charis O.

    I have done my homework

    1. Mrs Browning

      You must upload it or bring it in Charis, I still havenโ€™t seen any work from you!

  7. Jari V.

    I have finished and upload my homework.

  8. Ameena I.

    I have completed and uploaded my homework

  9. Havin A.

    Did my math and English

  10. Eliza N.

    I have completed an upload is my maths and english work.๐Ÿ˜€

  11. Safa M.

    I have completed my tasks.

  12. Rexford A.

    Rexford has completed his homework and has sent it to the share point

  13. Muhammad K.

    I have uploaded my maths and english homework

  14. Rayan M.

    I have done my homework and I uploaded the photo

  15. Jesumeene O.

    I have done my homework my mum will send it.

  16. Mya F.

    I have done my homework and I have sent in in.

  17. Neda S.

    Neda has completed English and maths homework and has sent copies of her work

  18. Rayan M.

    I have done my homework and I have uploaded it.

  19. Sidrah S.

    I have finished my homework ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  20. Sidrah S.

    I have finished my homework.

  21. Dean-Junior L.

    I have completed my homework.

  22. Siyam A.

    Siyam has completed 2 pieces of home work and his maths work from last week.

  23. Alya M.

    i completed my homework’s

  24. Ebeid M.

    I done my maths and my English.

  25. Jebrin Y.

    I posted my shapes and my horrid henry homework.

  26. Zainullah S.

    I done my Horrid Henry homework.

  27. Yasiin H.

    I have done โœ…

  28. Esa A.

    I have send my maths and wow homework.

  29. Nick C.

    I done all of my homework ๐Ÿ“š

  30. Emil D.

    Homework completed and shared to the sharepoint.

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