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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello Year 3, here are your Summer 1 spellings for you to practice. Your spelling test will still continue on a Friday. Please make sure thst you continue to practise your spellings on a daily basis. We would like these scores to be better than this half term.

7 responses to “Year 3-Summer 1: Spellings”

  1. Amina J.

    thank you

  2. Delilah R.

    thank you i will practise!

  3. Nma M.

    Thank you for the spellings.

  4. Zaynab M.

    I will practice.

  5. Zahra N.

    I will Definitely Practise My Spellings so I can Remember them. Thank you for the Information Mrs Walker

  6. Meena B.

    I will practise my spellings.

  7. Muhammad Y.

    I will practice

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