Hello Year 6, your homework tasks to complete over the weekend, please complete before Wednesday 6th April.

Y6 Maths Challenge
(Complete in homework book)

Y6 Reading Challenge
(Complete and upload the sharepoint- bring in the puppets)

Complete one piece of homework from the grid below.

As well as this, revision blogs and homework blogs from previous weeks are still uploaded so please continue to work through your own areas of weakness and ask for help where needed.

Please comment on the following blogs:
Mayan Day
British Values blog
Vote for the charity of your choice
Wellbeing day

Final SATurday school tomorrow from 10am-12pm

Well done for another super week of gaining, have a great weekend.
Ramadan Mubarak to all those who are celebrating.

19 responses to “Year 6 Homework”

  1. Ali K.

    I have done the Mayan game.I did reading and the maths challenge

  2. Safya S.

    i did the maya math challenge and lets say i DISLIKE their number system
    i did the reading and math challenge

  3. Yalda N.

    I played the Mayan math game and i did all 3 levels and got then all right.

  4. Danyaal H.

    Instead I did the Mayan game.

  5. Mohammad A.

    I will do the maths challenge in my homework book.

  6. Musab H.

    Done the Mayan math game

  7. Aamina B.

    I have completed the homework and have played the Mayan game (from the grid).

    1. Aamina B.

      Hi Miss, where is the SharePoint for the Reading Challenge?

  8. Roma M.

    are we doing one of the piece of the grid so do we pick what we want to do in the grid in any order?

  9. Elyas S.

    I have done my homework.

  10. Ramadan mubarak to everyone celebrating

  11. Safya S.

    which week is it

  12. Mrs. There is no share point.

  13. Raihaan N.

    I have completed the Mayan math game.

  14. Danyaal H.

    I have done the maths and reading challenge and l have also done the WOW homework which is the making the Maya headdress.

  15. Mishal N.

    Ramadaan Mubarak to all who are celebrating ramadaan! Ok I will make sure I complete them.

  16. Kia J.

    wait so are we not doing the 3 blogs

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