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PSHE 4 Blue

Today, we did role plays about making good choices. We discussed how to make sensible choices in a range of situations.

What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?

What should you do if you find money on the ground?

What should you do if you hear someone talking unkindly about you or another child?

9 responses to “PSHE 4 Blue”

  1. Ali A.

    If I saw someone getting picked on I would tell a teacher nearby.
    If I see money on the ground I would give it to a teacher in school but outside school I would find the owner.
    If I hear someone talking unkindly to another child or about yourself then I would tell a teacher and tell them to not talk unkindly.

  2. Minaal A.

    If I see anyone get picked on I would tell a teacher or adult.
    If I find money on the ground I would give it to charity.
    I would tell the person who’s being unkind to be kind of they don’t listen then I would tell a teacher.

  3. Abdullah K.

    1)What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?
    If someone is getting picked on i would tell them to stop if they don’t stop i would tell a teacher.
    2)What should you do if you find money on the ground?
    If someone finds money on the floor i tell them to give it to a teacher or to an adult if on the streets or back to the owner.
    3)What should you do if you hear someone talking unkindly about you or another child?
    I would tell a teacher straight away.

  4. Retaj I.

    1. I’ll try not to get envolved in their fight.

    2. I would try find the owner of it.

    3. I’ll tell a teacher immediately.

  5. Romeesa T.

    If someone hit me I will tell a teacher Immdiately.
    If I found money on the floor I will give it to my teacher.
    Go tell a teacher or adult tell them that a kid is being unkind word to you and tell the they are backbiting

  6. Haroon K.

    What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?
    * if I see someone getting picked on school, tell the teacher and ask the other child that’s not nice picking on him or her, were all the same being kind to one each other.
    * if I find money on the ground and see that person standing I would tell them u dropped money on the ground. If I see money on ground and no one there I will put money in charity box.
    * if I hear someone chatting or talking not nice and picking on them, I could says be friends and tell stop picking ,tell an adult or a teacher that they are getting bullied and find out why there be unkind.

  7. Sumaya S.

    i will tell an adult
    give it to your teacher and say you found it on the ground
    tell an adult

  8. Sania K.

    What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?
    If someone gets picked on I would tell the nearest adult and won’t try to get myself in the situation .
    What should you do if you find money on the ground?
    I would pick it up and give it to a homeless person or donate it to charity .
    What should you do if you hear someone talking unkindly about you or another child?
    I would tell an adult and try to tell them it’s unkind to work to each other rudley .

  9. Hasbia D.

    What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?
    If you see someone getting picked on tell them to stop and tell and adult.
    What should you do if you find money on the ground?
    If you see money on the ground pick it up and tell somebody and give the money back or just leave the money on the ground.
    What should you do if you hear someone talking unkindly about you or another child?
    If you hear somebody talking about someone else unkindly tell a grown and tell them to stop speaking unkindly about each other.

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