1Blue make Diva lamps!

Today, 1Blue could understand what instructions are and even followed them to make a clay diva! They were BRILLIANT!


Can you write the step by step instructions using numbers, time words and imperative verbs? If you do, you will be rewarded with 2 pegs!

Time words – First, Then, Next, After a few days, Finally

Imperative verbs – roll, push, pinch, add, leave, paint, ask

6 responses to “1Blue make Diva lamps!”

  1. Emraan A.

    First roll the clay into a ball, second pinch your thumb in the middle, next add some pattern on it, then leave it to dry. Finally we paint it and put candle on it.

  2. Noah M.

    Imperative verbs are doing words and are in instructions.

  3. Latifa A.

    1.First, you have to roll and make a ball out of the clay.
    2.Next, we have to pinch our fingers inside.
    3.Then,we have to add some creative patterns.
    4.After a few days, it is dried.
    5.Finally,we paint it and put on a candle.

    1. Latifa A.


  4. Duaa A.

    Duaa said :

    First we made a ball from the clay, then we pinched the sides and pushed our thumb in. We used a knife to make patterns and finally left it to dry on the tray.

  5. Maryam K.

    1. First we need to roll out the clay.
    2. Second we need to push our fingers in it and pinch the middle.
    3. Next we need to add some patterns.
    4. Then we need to leave it to dry.
    5. Finally we put the candles on.

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