1Red’s Part – Whole Model.

Today in Maths 1Red looked at the part – whole model. The children used cubes to partition numbers in different ways. Here is some of the wonderful work they have done today.

Challenge Time: Here are some numbers see if you can partition them in different ways?
2, 5, 7, 3 and 10.

4 responses to “1Red’s Part – Whole Model.”

  1. Evelinne M.

    1+1=2 4+1=5 5+2=7 2+1=3 5+5=10

  2. Tobias T.

    5 = 2 + 3
    7 = 6 + 1
    10 =5+5
    10 = 6 + 4

  3. Ayman Q.

    Fun at learning.
    Ayman has done this activity in the book.

  4. Haitham B.

    To make 2
    1 in each part
    To make 5
    4 and 1,
    3 and 2
    To make 7
    4 and 3
    5 and 2
    6 and 1
    To make 3
    1 and 2
    To make 10
    9 and 1
    5 and 5
    8 and 2
    6 and 4
    7 and 3

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